Discovering God Beyond the Prison of the Mind | Your Choice

 discovering god beyond the prison of the mind

Discovering God Beyond 

the Prison of the Mind  

Your Choice

The Mind

Material mind is the arena in which human personalities live, are self-conscious, make decisions, choose God or forsake him, eternalize or destroy themselves.
The Urantia Book, (111:1.3)

The "Fear of Failure" Vs. the "Failure of Fear"

A question I will pose to you is...

Will you choose "the failure of fear" over the "fear of failure" before the end of your extremely short life path experience here on Urantia (Earth)?

This is likely a question you have never stopped to pose to yourself.

The "fear of failure" is rooted in the programmed beLIEf that you are unworthy of anything more than what you are currently experiencing.

This is the LIE that you began hearing from the moment of your earliest ability to use language to hear and understand what you were being told by mom, dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, and peers.

This LIE was further reinforced over and over, again, by
religious indoctrination, which has always and ever been "rooted in fear."

It was NOT and is NOT your fault that you were susceptible to this early "fear-based" programming. But it is your responsibility to disown, delete, and replace it with discovering God beyond the prison of the mind

Either way, realize, it is a choice to continue in self-imprisonment or to liberate your mind from this LIE.

You could and ought to have been programmed with the "failure of fear." If you were, or if you are already discovering God beyond the prison of the mind, I wholeheartedly applaud you super hue-man effort to do so.

Prison is a Metaphor for Self-imposed Limitations

Over a lifetime of observation of others and self, it is rare, indeed, when any individual child of God "allows" himself and herself to "remove self-limitations" and replace them with a living faith-relationship to Paradise Father's will wherein an open-end (no limitations) state of "hunger for truth" leads to continual inner spiritual truth-revelations.

A New Principle by which to Ever-momentarily Live

I have learned to escape fear, because of a principle, I evolved from reading The Urantia Book. This principle I ever-momentarily live by and is this: 
"Entertain all (beLIEfs) but beLIEve nothing which I have not personally experienced to be...truth..." 
I have found no one who, besides myself, who knows and daily lives the truth of this principle. 

One friend of two plus years is coming closer all the time, but still frequently succumbs to fears about his personal health. Another is also coming closer but doubts her self-worth. 
  • What would it 'feel like' to walk through the rest of your mortal of all fear? 
If you perceive such a high estate to not be possible for will make it will never experience a state of fearlessness. 

When, however, you perceive this high estate of living without fear to not only be possible to be your new will make it so... And looking will understand that everything you once feared is but a...shadow of reality... 

And then, you will become the "living experience" of discovering God beyond the prison of the mind.

Why Do You Fear to Call Him, Father…and Friend?

(Written August 9th, 2014)

The whole of human civilization lies…
abuses privilege and our common law…
licenses liberty, seeks to aggrandize
the self above common rights…the fatal flaw…

I will call You, Father and Friend to the end
of my mortal days and throughout all of time…
I will ever keep my heart elastic…bend…
to hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…

The word “God” can mean anything to a man
or woman…they worship idols and men…
they lack spiritual courage, who never stand
up and fearlessly call You…Father and Friend…

I will call You, Father and Friend to the end
of my mortal days and throughout all of time…
I will ever keep my heart elastic…bend…
to hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…

Men and women call you It, Higher Power,
the Force, Universal Spirit, God, Allah,
Jehovah, Yin and Yang, Buddha, All Knower,
Lord, Almighty, Lion of the tribe of Judah…

I will call You, Father and Friend to the end
of my mortal days and throughout all of time…
I will ever keep my heart elastic…bend…
to hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…

Why do you fear to call Him, Father and Friend?
not venturing forth from the mind cave is death…
why fear you to speak with His spirit within…
to suspire the life-changing, fiery breath…

I will call You, Father and Friend to the end
of my mortal days and throughout all of time…
I will ever keep my heart elastic…bend…
to hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…

(1203.4) 110:1.2 I wish it were possible for me to help evolving mortals to achieve a better understanding and attain a fuller appreciation of the unselfish and superb work of the Adjusters living within them, who are so devoutly faithful to the task of fostering man’s spiritual welfare. 
Leave the mind cave of death…dare call Him, Father…
throughout your mortal days and through all of time…
dare call Him, Friend…His spirit…the soul’s Author…
hear His words in your heart…the rhythm and rhyme…

I will call You, Father and Friend to the end
of my mortal days and throughout all of time…
I will ever keep my heart elastic…bend…
to hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…

What was that? Can you speak a little bit louder?
you fear to bring mental laziness to end…?
you fear change and requirement to flower…?
Why do you fear to call Him, Father and Friend?

I will call You, Father and Friend to the end
of my mortal days and throughout all of time…
I will ever keep my heart elastic…bend…
to hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…

To my end of days and throughout all of time…
I ever keep my heart elastic and bend
I will hear your words in my heart…rhythm and rhyme…
I forever call you…My Father and Friend…
I forever call you…My Father and Friend….



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