There Is No Death Mansion Worlds Arrival | Are YOU Ready?

 there is no death mansion worlds arrival

There Is No Death Mansion Worlds Arrival  

Are YOU Ready?

That Which Hue-mans Most Fear

There is so much confusion in the minds of hue-mans, the mortal children of the Paradise Father, regarding where we come from and where we are going after so-called death.

The Universal Father is continuously expressing through his mortal children on Urantia (Earth). He IS the "experiential urge" to "unity," NOT "uniformity."

It is my hope with this article to clear up some of the confusion regarding death and our soul's first reawakening destination.

How can I experience the "greatness" within me without experiencing the "greatness" in you? It is neither sincere nor genuine, without you. And...
"Greatness lies not so much in possessing strength as in making a wise and divine use of such strength." 

  • Do you want to achieve greatness? 
  • What is "making a wise and divine use of such strength?
  • Would eliminating the word "death" from your vocabulary be a wise and divine use of your strength, leading to greatness--mastery of language--mastery of the self?

Fear Conjures Up the "Unknown"

When you are "re-conscious-ized" on Mansonia Number One, a new principle will be learned:
48:7.25 23. Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.

Is It Time to Replace this Archaic Word in Hue-man Language?

Perhaps, the fear of dying (there is no death) pales in comparison to the fear of the unknown.

Billions of human beings before you have gone unquestioningly to their deaths… Why should…why would...why ought you ever to question your thinking patterns…let alone seek to change them…?

Does the "fear of change" precede the "fear of the unknown? Or is it the reverse? The "fear of the unknown" precedes the "fear of change?"

Whichever way you decide it is...these two are no strange bedfellows; they are both quite comfortable in bed, together.

What is TRUTH?

There is no death mansion worlds arrival requires that we must arrive at an unequivocally clear definition of truth. What is truth?
…The truth–an understanding of cosmic relationships, universe facts, and spiritual values–can best be had through the ministry of the Spirit of Truth and can best be criticized by revelation. But revelation originates neither a science nor a religion; its function is to co-ordinate both science and religion with the truth of reality. Always, in the absence of revelation or in the failure to accept or grasp it, has mortal man resorted to his futile gesture of metaphysics, that being the only human substitute for the revelation of truth or for the mota of morontia personality.
The Urantia Book 103:7.8
The question of greatest importance is this:
  • Are you pursuing an "an understanding of cosmic relationships, universe facts, and spiritual values?"
  • Or are you lost in the "jungle of metaphysical confusion?"

The "Hunger" Ever Leads to the "Pursuit" of Truth

…The pursuit of knowledge constitutes science; the search for wisdom is philosophy; the love for God is religion; the hunger for truth is a revelation…. –
The Urantia Book 102:3.12

Is Death "Inevitable?" Or are You "Programmed" to Die?

You were taught to die…from the moment of the inception of the temporary body-suit you inhabit… And you unquestioningly swallowed it—hook, line and sinker…

The genetic memory of death is in your human body…in the almost endless procession of uninterrupted deaths of every human ancestor, leading backward into the deepest depths of the ancestral mind, to the first two human animals to rise up and transfer experiential meaning-values from contact with an "individualized circuit"  mind-circuit…and out through the eyes, ears, mouth, feet and hands…

This concept may be difficult--even a great challenge to wrap your comprehension around. But once you do grasp it, you perception of "there is no death mansion worlds arrival" will become increasingly more real.

Wadi Al-Salaam is an Islamic cemetery, located in Shia holy city of Najaf, Iraq. It is the largest cemetery in the world.
  • Can that which is unquestioningly accepted as true be replaced with a far more powerful concept?
  • Assuming this as a possibility…what is the more powerful concept?
  • And why would you seek to replace that which humanity almost universally believes to be “absolute truth?” (You are born into this life. And you die.)
  • From the memory of the first human death approximately one million years ago to the present, who would ever attempt the complete erasure of so powerful a concept as that “death is inevitable?”
  • Who would so foolishly spend his or her time exploring the possibilities of “by-passing” the natural cessation of vital motion in the temporary hue-manimal body-suit?
  • Of what value would this be?
  • When the last exploring is done and the final period symbolizes the finish of it, will you arrive at that present moment with the answers you are seeking?
The answers are never an end in and of themselves. Rather is it
the process, the effort and the experience that forms the greater part of the exploration. So where do you start?

First, you need to define exactly, and in no uncertain terms, what the purpose of the exploration is. The purpose of the exploration is not to prove anything, but to simply explore in a focused way, where the discovery of self-evident truths may take you.

The purpose lies not in the “concept of death,” but more exactly in the exploration of the language which you use, day in and day out, language which is contaminated with the concept of death—language which may rapidly evolve into the language of life…

If the purpose of the exploration is to further evolve this language of life—to ultimately cleanse this brain-mind-matrix of the language of death, then the purpose becomes exactly the evolution of the process; the end result is simply the arrival point, as yet, to be experienced…

I say…with all certitude…that the greatest of all human tragedies is to live without ever questioning the language which emanates from within the mind-brain connection and is uttered through the mouth—let alone questioning the possibility of changing it while it is still in the observing mind

For it is easiest, at first appearance of the thought, when the language may be “freeze-framed,” analyzed, rearranged, and reprogrammed back into the brain, by the mind, replacing that which was told to you to be
LIEve is true, with that which is experienced to be truth…

By selectively focusing upon the intellectually and spiritually resonant thought-patterns of life—these, slowly but surely, become the dominant habit-patterns of thinking and subsequent speech, first to yourself and then verbally to others.

Your exploration is exactly about understanding and bringing into focus the “seat of conscious identification,” and the discovery, in no uncertain terminology, how to transitiontransfer the seat of personality-will-identification, from one of materiality—human-ness and mortality, to one of living as the invisible, indestructible and eternal new universe son of God evolving within…even while yet existing in the earth-form body-suit…

I am here referring to “soul-identification,” super conscious recognition of living, moving and having your being in a parallel level of reality—a realm which teems with super-intelligent personalities, some of whom you have already seen, whom have had their nearby presences revealed to you.

The transition and transference of the “seat of identification,” from the material to the quasi-spiritual, must exactly occur by making the supreme decision of your life; it is exactly the decision to wholly identify with the spirit of the the First Source and Center—who is 
  • your loving Father and Friend, 
  • whose spirit-fragment indwells you, 
  • voluntarily imprisoning itself in the mortal mind, as a
  • thought-resonating-adjusting frequency-enhancer, 
  • a thought-adjusting and clarifying equalizer to the the tremendous tension 
  • resulting between the great gulf separating the divine and the hue-man levels of reality-experience, by experience of which…
  • the possibility of by-passing the natural cessation of vital motion in the hue-man body-suit, exists
It is when the identification with the indwelling spirit-fragment becomes complete…you begin to live as one…already in the presence of the First Father—the Paradise Father—living as though you are already an eternal being… And again…it is herein that the possibility of…translation…may occur…fusion of the morontial soul, the indwelling Thought Adjuster and the personal may fuse together into the new universe son of God.

Think of the process of translation like you would when striking a tuning fork—setting into motion the atoms which begin vibrating at a specific harmonic frequency.

When human thoughts constantly and permanently 
  • elevate themselves to the specific frequencies struck in the mind by the Paradise Father’s indwelling spirit-fragment
  • therein exists the possibility of safely liberating the midmind-spirit-soul-personality-matrix out of its material embedding—by intentionally speeding up a thousandfold, the atoms within the human body, 
  • generating increasing heat until the atoms holding together the material form, now reaching the speed of light, 
  • go flying off in every direction, 
  • obliterating the mortal body in a blinding burst of heat and light-energy, 
  • leaving the soul-form free for the spirit-fragment to
  • simultaneously fuse with the midmind-spirit-soul-personality matrix to 
  • immediately take up its resident journey through the circuit of many worlds-like-mansions…in a not-so-far distant sector of the Milky Way Galaxy…

Over 100 billion galaxies exist in the Universe of universes… And over 100 billion human individuals have been born, lived out their brief lives and died before you… Why would you ever question your thinking patterns…let alone seek to change them…?
23. Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.  
The Urantia Book 48:7.25
And perhaps, now, you may more clearly understand "there is no death mansion worlds arrival."

May the unspeakable peace of "cosmic reality innersight' continuously grow within you.



Madamson said…
Well, Timothy, this will certainly rattle some cages, for sure!! How delightful you bring this to the light and even give us some direction to get some eye opening instructions and information to enlighten out paths!!
For me, I am delighted to be awakened to this fact and have some time to learn more. In fact, I am looking so very forward to this transition and ALL it will open up for me!
Thank you Timothy for this delightful, blessed information, lesson, eye opener--whatever!! You my dear friend have opened my beingness to so a whole new way of thinking, being, and believing. I am so very grateful, so very grateful.
Mary, I act only as the catalyst. You are the one who is opening your whole self to new ways of thinking, being and elevation to expanding levels of faith-trust in our Father's will! And you are making excellent progress!

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