Questions Are the Keys to Open the Doors to Cosmic Reality

questions are the keys to open the doors to cosmic reality

Questions Are the Keys to 

Open the Doors to Cosmic Reality

Learn to Ask Questions...Endlessly...

Anyone who has ever read even a single article--post or page I have written over the years knows that I ask endless questions.

I ever try to inspire my fellow children of God to also ask questions...endlessly ...mostly, to no avail.

It is among the greatest of tragedies on this Luciferian Manifesto-infected planet that God's children are so easily and readily programmed to NOT ask questions because of "fear of authority."

It is fact and not fiction that questions are the keys to open the doors to cosmic reality. 
  • But then...does the average child of God on Urantia even know what "cosmic reality" means?
  • Do YOU know what "cosmic reality" means? 
There I go, again, asking more questions.

Let's try another question:

  • Are you attempting to "swim in the dry sands of intellectual knowledge," while ignoring the pleas of your indwelling divine spirit to sincerely cooperate in the growth of your soul toward greater maturity?
48:6.32 These angels are all in the chain of recorders extending from the lowest to the highest custodians of the facts of time and the truths of eternity. Some day they will teach you to seek truth as well as fact, to expand your soul as well as your mind. Even now you should learn to water the garden of your heart as well as to seek for the dry sands of knowledge. Forms are valueless when lessons are learned. No chick may be had without the shell, and no shell is of any worth after the chick is hatched. But sometimes error is so great that its rectification by revelation would be fatal to those slowly emerging truths which are essential to its experiential overthrow. When children have their ideals, do not dislodge them; let them grow. And while you are learning to think as men, you should also be learning to pray as children. 
What questions can we formulate from the above passage?
  • Are you expanding your soul for truth-reception from the indwelling divine spirit, who is the very Paradise Source of all spiritual values of truth, beauty and goodness in hue-man experience?
  • How do you expand your soul as your mind for the reception of truth from your indwelling Thought Adjuster?
  • How are you "watering the garden of your heart" for soul growth toward maturity?
  • Are you discarding old beLIEfs when the "lessons of life" leading to greater truth-insight are learned?
  • Are you allowing your children (and even your children's children) to have their own ideals? Or are you still clinging to the misguided beLIEf you must control what your children and grandchildren beLIEve and do with their lives?
  • While you yourself are "learning to think as a hue-man," are you "learning to pray" to our Father as a child, who unqualifiedly trusts in your Father's will?
  • Are you ever-momentarily aligning your will with our Father's will?

Did Jesus of Nazareth Ask Many Questions?

The word "question" or "questions" appears one hundred and thirty-three times in the Fifth Epochal Revelation--The Urantia Book. Although The Urantia Book is largely in narrative format, there are still many questions asked throughout its 2097 pages.
  • Did Jesus of Nazareth ask a lot of questions?
Well, that question in and of itself is an understatement. As Joshua Ben Joseph began to grow in age and experience, he was often beset by...almost endless questions...until he achieved in cooperation with his indwelling Thought Adjuster the mastery of his purely hue-man self.

I encourage you to read the Section 2 - The Baptism of Jesus. But better yet, read the whole of Paper 136, Baptism And The Forty Days.

Asking Questions Purposefully

Could I go on asking questions, almost endlessly? Yes. Why? Because of the 10,000 hours principle. I began to develop the habit of asking questions, as a child. Eventually, you become masterful at any and everything into which you agree with yourself to invest the time to elevate your skill(s) to a highly developed "art form."

Go back, now, and count the number of questions I have asked in this short article.

You can start, today, right where you find yourself in the present and begin developing the habit of "asking many questions." It is the "allowing yourself to invest your time and effort" into developing this hugely important skill.

And always remember: questions are the keys to open the doors to cosmic reality.



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