Exclude God as Father Fellow Beings as Brothers and Sisters

exclude god as father fellow beings as brothers and sisters

Exclude God as Father 

Fellow Beings as Brothers and Sisters

Our Universe Father is Spirit

So many, if not in fact a majority of God's Earth (Urantia) children still beLIEve that God is afar  off and up high somewhere in a place called heaven.

You might be surprised as to how many still see God through an anthropomorphic (as hue-manlike view) where God is made in man's image.
Many people still think of an old man in the sky sitting on a throne somewhere. Classic art depicts God as an old man with a flowing white beard. The problem is that image comes from classical depictions of Zeus. 
(Source: Medium.com)
In other words, erroneously thinking of God as corporeal (having a body). Our Paradise Father, the Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit-Mind are spirit--not corporeal as we view ourselves in material bodies.

There are myriads of superstitious, mystical, mythical and metaphysical misconceptions of what and who God is.

The truth is that our Paradise Father's spirit--through the Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit-Mind is everywhere present. We literally live, move, and have our being in God's spirit and mind.

And were this not so, there would be no life or creation whatsoever.

But this article is not about all of the misconceptions we hue-mans entertain and beLIEve about our Father, who dwells eternally on Paradise and in whose presence we will sometime stand.

Paradise Father's Love within Us

Our Father has sent a divine part of himself to indwell every hue-man child who has chosen to be moral and to align his and her hue-man will with His will.

And ever choosing the greater truth, the greater good and the greater beauty, in relationship with Him and with our fellow beings IS Father's will.

The divine spirit--the Thought Adjuster--who, as an
individualized fragment originating from within our Father on Paradise, indwells each moral hue-man mind--is our Father's absolute love shining forth to us from within us.

Limitations, Boundaries, Conditions and Exclusions

But we impose limitations--boundaries--conditions and exclusions upon Father's divine love within us.

And these limitations, boundaries, conditions and exclusions are the reason why we, as a hue-man civilization of Father's earthly children on Urantia have ever and always been...SELF-DEFEATING.

The Love Of God 

...the love of God is an intelligent and farseeing parental affection.


Jesus taught that service to one's fellows is the highest concept of the brotherhood of spirit believers.


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Without KNOWING the LOVE of God--"experiencing" the love of our Paradise Father, the love of our Eternal Son, the love of the Infinite Spirit-Mind, the love of our Creator Father, Michael of Nebadon--Joshua Ben Joseph (Christ Michael), and the love of our Local Universe Mother spirit (the Holy Spirit) for each of us, individually, and collectively, we exclude God as Father fellow beings as brothers and sisters.

And as long as we, individually and collectively, persist in this self-assertion of "my will, not yours be done," we are ever doomed to fail, individually and collectively.


As I daily observe all of the turmoil and chaos, and evil tyrannical mind-control going on in America and around the world, I think we are still far removed from the idea of collective spiritual unity--the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of men, women and children.

I desire to be wrong about the above thought. I pray for our greater and greater spiritual unity.

The path to inner peace will never be achieve wherein we exclude God as Father fellow beings as brothers and sisters.
The path to inner spiritual unity-enlightenment--self-mastery--the domination of spirit of mind and matter--not my will, Father, but your will be done, not only ever and always must begin in the individual child of God, it must spread outward through the collective whole, from each of us.
It is only when we raise ALL of our COLLECTIVE voices in spiritual unity above the din of this present turmoil and chaos that we will begin to see true progress as a civilization--raise ourselves and the planet from the status of "barbarians" to "civilized."

In the present there is much talk spreading throughout hue-manity regarding the idea of "unity." 

But, just as it was always in the past to the present, this concept is "politically and religiously motivated." It is "partisan" and "exclusionary" in its perception of what it takes to unify the whole of hue-man civilization.

And just as it always was in the past to the present, it is "doomed to fail." You simply cannot "spiritually unify" the "collective whole" where we exclude God as Father and fellow beings as brothers and sisters.

Ever and always leaving God as Father of ALL and ALL men, women and children as the "sons and daughters" of God out of the equation is a failed ideology, before it even gets started.

Nevertheless, we will "try and try," again and again, until through failure after failure, it begins to universally dawn in the dim recesses of the hue-man ego "there is no try."

You must teach, breathe and live the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of men, women and children, in your individual daily life, regardless of the disunity of the turmoil and chaos going on in the world around you.

This is every and always--THE ONLY WAY. There is--NO OTHER WAY.

All Contain Truth

There is not a... religion that could not profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all contain truth. 

When you understand the concept of "salvation" as the choice, by faith to "save the evolving soul-self" from the both natural and Lucifer-infected "hue-manimal self," it is then you may wisely choose to transfer the "seat of mortal identity" into the soul-self and slowly but surely become the spiritual unity experienced in breathing and living the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of ALL children, women, and men on Urantia (Earth.)

And it is when you experience this growing spiritual unity within yourself, you will sometime become the true character of the perfect pattern-reality--the personality gift of "I am" shining through the fully mature and self-aware...morontia soul you are presently becoming...moment by moment and day by day in time and eternity...



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