
Showing posts from July, 2021

Questions Are the Keys to Open the Doors to Cosmic Reality

questions are the keys to open the doors to cosmic reality Questions Are the Keys to  Open the Doors to Cosmic Reality Learn to Ask Questions...Endlessly... Anyone who has ever read even a single article--post or page I have written over the years knows that I ask endless questions. I ever try to inspire my fellow children of God to also ask questions...endlessly ...mostly, to no avail. It is among the greatest of tragedies on this Luciferian Manifesto-infected planet that God's children are so easily and readily programmed to NOT ask questions because of "fear of authority." It is fact and not fiction that questions are the keys to open the doors to cosmic reality.  But then...does the average child of God on Urantia even know what "cosmic reality" means? Do YOU know what "cosmic reality" means?  There I go, again, asking more questions. Let's try another question: Are you attempting to "swim in the dry sands of intellectual knowledge,...

Your Inner Living Connection to God's Indwelling Spirit

 your inner living connection to God's indwelling spirit Your Inner Living Connection  Watch Pretended to Swim with Words to God's Indwelling Spirit Make the Best of this "Guest on Urantia" Experience My friend, how clearly do you understand that we are all "just guests" on Earth (Urantia) and "just passing through" a very short and intense "boot camp training" experience in preparation for our re-awakening on the Mansion Training Worlds to come ? We are all, here, of the Series III type mortals, who are destined to fuse with Father's indwelling divine spirit fragment--the Thought Adjuster. Are YOU "making the best" of YOUR "guest appearance" on Urantia? Or are YOU just slopping your way through, like so many before you, and so many currently are doing--wandering aimlessly through this extremely short life path experience? Are you ever-momentarily nurturing your inner living connection to God's indwell spirit ?...

Society is a Mass Hallucination and YOU are Participating

 society is a mass hallucination and you are participating Society is a Mass Hallucination  and  YOU are Participating 1 Corinthians 13:11, 12, 13 …When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.… Berean Study Bible The Self-Reflecting Mirror of Mass Hallucination To see “through a glass” — a mirror — “darkly” is to have an obscure or imperfect vision of reality.  The expression comes from the writings of the Apostle Paul; he explains that we do not now see clearly , but at the end of time, we will do so. Paul may have had a dim understanding of the "era of light and life," a time still far distant wherein hue-manity will be settled in peace--h...

The Fool Utters Nonsense But BeLIEves He Speaks the Truth

 the fool utters nonsense but believes he speaks the truth The Fool Utters Nonsense  But Be LIE ves He Speaks the Truth Pink Floyd Lyrics "Keep Talking" For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination We learned to talk There's a silence surrounding me I can't seem to think straight I'll sit in the corner No one can bother me I think I should speak now I can't seem to speak now My words won't come out right I feel like I'm drowning I'm feeling weak now But I can't show my weakness I sometimes wonder Where do we go from here It doesn't have to be like this All we need to do is make sure we keep talking Why won't you talk to me You never talk to me What are you thinking What are you feeling Why won't you talk to me You never talk to me What are you thinking Where do we go from here It doesn't have to be like this All we need to do is make sure we keep t...