Invisible Prisons of the Human Mind | Matrix of Deception

invisible prisons of the human mind

Invisible Prisons of the Human Mind | 
Matrix of Deception 

The most dangerous prison of the mind is not the external one built by evil-doers, but the invisible one built inside the conscious mind with fear bound to a system of beLIEfs.  
Timothy Ray Walls 2021


Spermatozoa carry genetic material and natural mind consciousness of the father. One successfully swims its way to impregnate the waiting fertile egg of the mother, which contains the genetic material of the mother and her natural mind consciousness.

The genetic material and natural mind consciousness of both parents combine in the now fertilized egg to (mind) create a suitable body for the new potentially hue-man child of God to be born out of the womb and assume air-breathing individuality in a 3D (third dimensional) conscious experience of material reality.

But what does it mean to be "merely conscious?"

Example of Being "Merely Conscious"

An individual may be said to be "merely conscious" when he and she...

  • Is not of normal mind.
  • Has a damaged and irreparable neural system connection to natural mind within the hue-manimal body.
  • Repeatedly looks away and will never look you in the eyes.
  • Is sociopathic and/or narcissistic.
  • Is observably poisoning the body with processed foods and all forms of chemicals.
  • Is always and ever argumentative--never listening and must always be right no matter the consequences.
  • When experience with an individual proves that he and she is repeatedly lying and will not tell the truth about anything.
  • Is observably self-victimizing--ever-momentarily focusing on past tragedies and future tragic expectations.
  • Is ever-momentarily judgmental--pointing a finger of blame at everyone except oneself.
  • Is self-aggrandizing--lusting after power of control over others, wealth accumulation and ego-inflation in the eyes of one's fellow beings.
  • Is observably hateful, spiteful, revengeful and war-like.

The Consciousness of Being Conscious

Every hue-man child of normal mind capacity grows naturally toward moral decision-making status, just like a flower grows toward the light of the sun.

When the hue-man child of God makes his and her first moral decision (choosing unselfishness over selfishness), such a one instantly receives the gift of personality (from the Paradise Father) and a divine indwelling Thought Adjuster (a divine spirit-fragment of the Paradise Father himself.

Such divine gifts of personality (I am reality) and Thought Adjuster (divine spirit-fragment) heralds the beginning evolution of the morontial soul (a newly evolving being of semi-spiritual status). And this is the beginning of "the consciousness of being conscious."

Perception is Key

The First 7 Years of Life is Lived in Hypnosis

95% of our lives is coming from the programs of how to live life that we get in the first 7 years of life. 

And that's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich.

The movie, The Matrix, is not science fiction. It's a documentary. 

Every human, first 7 years, is in hypnosis. The brain of a child under 7 is in a lower vibrational frequency.

When you put wires on a person's head, you read electroencephalograph, reading brain capacity, a child below 7 has a lower vibration than consciousness. It's called theta.

Theta is imagination. That's how kids play a tea party with mud pies. But to them it's a real thing. A kid rides a broom. It's a horse. That's theta imagination. Theta is also hypnosis.

And the idea is this. Before you can become conscious, if you don't have any programs, what are you gonna be conscious of? So, nature makes the first 7 years. 

What Kind of Programs are Required on this Planet?

I say, how do you get them? Theta is hypnosis. You just watch. 

You watch your parents. You watch your siblings, and your community, cause you have to learn how many thousand rules? Think about it. Just to be a functional member of a family, and a functional member of a community. There are rules.

Teach an infant these rules. You don't have to. First seven years, they just observe it and just download it. And then I say, why is it relevant?

Because this is the unfortunate fact. 95% of our life comes from those programs in the subconscious. 

Every day, only about 5% of the life are you using conscious, which is creative. 5%! And you don't see it, because it's called subconscious, below conscious.

And the Jesuits for 400 years, they were boasting. People didn't understand. They say, "Give me a child until it's 7 and I will show you the man. They've been saying that for 400 years, because they knew. 7 years was the program period.

And 95% of your life after that will be whatever that program is.

A child isn't functioning in consciousness until after 7. Before 7, it's direct record.

Whatever you just said, I just recorded it.

So, if the parent gets mad at the child and says, "You don't deserve that! You don't deserve this! Go!," the child is not consciously understanding what you mean. The child's just recorded, "I do not deserve."

Now, if I hear that several time, especially in an emotional situation, cause that downloads faster. 

Now, I'm 40, 50 years old. What is my behavior 95% of the time? And the answer is, well, it comes from the program. "I do not deserve." What'll that mean?

Unconsciously, I will sabotage myself to make sure that the program is correct. I'm making the program true by adjusting the behavior to meet the program.

Look, this is not new. I mean there's the famous book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. And basically said, you come from a poor family. And you can struggle your whole life and try to get rich, but you're not going to make it. And if you come from a rich family, you could be stupid your whole life and make it. Not because it was thinking, but because it was unconscious behavior that was downloaded from rich families into kids, which is unconscious.

So, they're making the right moves unconsciously. If they engage their conscious mind, they they look stupid. But it's unconscious, and that's the same thing with poor people.

Poor people have beLIEfs from the family. "Oh, you can't make it." "Life's a struggle." "Things are hard." "Who do you think you are?"

And if that's the program you get, you will sabotage yourself. Then 95% of the day you will sabotage yourself. And that's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich, because of the programming.

Before I put this knowledge into effect, and I use the word put into effect. Why?

I had the knowledge academically. It's like, oh my God! Look at the research. What does it mean? I understand it from that level. And with all that knowledge, it didn't change my life.

People read self-help books. I go, wow you read the book. You got a lot of knowledge. Is your life changed? No. But you got a lot of knowledge. And so, here's the difference.

The conscious mind is creative and can learn in any number of ways. Read a self-help book, go to a lecture, listen to this. And conscious mind is gonna get some awareness.

But subconscious mind doesn't learn that way. Subconscious mind learns in two fundamental ways naturally. Hypnosis, which is the first 7 years. And after age 7, how do you put new programs in?

Repetition. Practice. You wanna drive a car? You didn't learn how by just getting into the sear and putting they key in. You had to practice driving the car. You wanna learn the alphabet. How many times did you go from A to Z, tried to go from A to Z, before you could complete it?

And once you complete it, you didn't have to go back and do it again.

So, two phases. You wanna train the subconscious mind? Hypnosis. Repetition. I like the last one because there's a new phrase that's bandied about called "Fake it till you make it," meaning if you're not a happy person... I say, you wanna be a happy person? Then repeat all the time. "I'm happy." "I'm happy." 

Well, you don't look happy or anything. Now, who am I talking to? By repetition, I'm talking to the subconscious. If subconscious gets "I am happy," and 95% of your life comes from that subconscious, there will be a point, once the subconscious got "I am happy," you don't have to say it again. It'll be automatic.

It's repetitive, and that's the secret part.

Putting a sticky on the refrigerator is more like a suggestion, but it's not a repetition. So, it doesn't work very well. 

Repetition is a habit. It's making habit. So, you gotta do something religiously, in a sense of repeating it, repeating it, repeating it to make it work.

Every night when you go to bed, just when you're falling off into sleep, consciousness is disconnecting. 

The next period of your brain operation, while your consciousness is disconnected, is theta, which is the same brain function as in the first 7 years. 

So, if you put a pair of earphones on at night with a program of what you would like to be true in your life, as soon as your conscious mind disconnects. that program is playing. It's not playing into your conscious mind. That's shut off. It's now going straight into the subconscious mind. So, it's called autohypnosis.

You don't need to go see a hypnotherapist. You just have to pick out what program would you like to have that you don't have.

95% of your life is coming from the subconscious. Your life is a printout of your subconscious behavior. So, you don't have to try and think about what happened. I just say. Look at your life.

The things you like. They come into your life, come in because you have a program that supports them.

But anything you struggle with, work hard at, put a lot of effort into making it happen--why are you working so hard? Inevitably, you have a program that doesn't support that conclusion. And you're trying to override the program.

So, you don't need to do a lot of shrink and psychology stuff. You just look at your life and say, "where am I struggling?" Because wherever you're struggling, inevitably it's a program in your subconscious that does not support that destination you've been looking for.

Spiritual Unity

141:5.1 One of the most eventful of all the evening conferences at Amathus was the session having to do with the discussion of spiritual unity. James Zebedee had asked, “Master, how shall we learn to see alike and thereby enjoy more harmony among ourselves?”

When Jesus heard this question, he was stirred within his spirit, so much so that he replied: “James, James, when did I teach you that you should all see alike?

I have come into the world to proclaim spiritual liberty to the end that mortals may be empowered to live individual lives of originality and freedom before God. I do not desire that social harmony and fraternal peace shall be purchased by the sacrifice of free personality and spiritual originality. What I require of you, my apostles, is spirit unity — and that you can experience in the joy of your united dedication to the wholehearted doing of the will of my Father in heaven.

You do not have to see alike or feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike. Spiritual unity is derived from the consciousness that each of you is indwelt, and increasingly dominated, by the spirit gift of the heavenly Father. Your apostolic harmony must grow out of the fact that the spirit hope of each of you is identical in origin, nature, and destiny.




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