Yin Needs Yang and Yang Needs Yin...the Balance...

 Yin Needs Yang and Yang Needs Yin...

the Balance...

(Written 11/19/2014)
yin needs yang and yang needs yin
Who is in control of the dense machine...? is it one who knows...or one in a dream...? one who visits truth with an empty nod...? or one who ascends to presence of God...? the one who lives in eternal sleep...? or the one whose wisdom is...ocean deep...? body and mind...intellect so clever...? or soul-conscious one of true character...? zombie mind that eats the living in vain...? or the soul...who lives in light of day...? Sees the light in your eyes...beyond your disguise... sees stories...rewritten...revealing lies... sees its own embryo that will...survive... sees the wise person, in whom, truth must thrive.. sees the once broken heart...that is made whole... sees the person...who loves...from his soul... Who is in control...enemy within...? or one with "seeds of life..." where life begins...? one whose dark mind feeds upon others' sins...? or one who bestows life...the life one gives...? one whose urge destroys...loves to watch life burn...? or one who nourishes soul to full term...? one who is in love with watching life die...? or one whose love teaches offspring to fly...? one whose transcendence is...pre-destined fate...? or hand that rocks cradle...pre-destined date...? Sees the light in your eyes...beyond your disguise... sees stories...rewritten...revealing lies... sees the light of the soul that will...survive... sees the wise person, in whom, truth must thrive.. sees the once broken heart...that is made whole... sees the person...who loves...from her soul...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021


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