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44 - The Language of Virtual Reality - Unreality - Do YOU Feel Unreal?
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the language of virtual reality
The Language of Virtual Reality
Unreality - Do YOU Feel Unreal?
In quantum mechanics experiments using an atom and laser beams, it has been shown time and time again that a particle's past behavior changes based on the fact that we are observing it. How the atom behaves directly depends on how it was measured at the end of each test. Therefore, such experiments seem to validate the theory that reality doesn't exist until it's measured (observed).
But such theories are still far removed from reality... The truth is far stranger than the partial but fictional godless reality-perception of quantum mechanics scientists.
For a state of "illusion" to exist, there must also be an opposite from which the state of illusion emerges; there must be a progenitor state of "reality."
What is the difference between "illusion" and "reality?"
How do YOU define "illusion?"
How do YOU define "reality?"
A Virtual Prison versus Increasing Spiritualization...
Every spirit-being, every mind-being, and every personality-being having origin in the Paradise Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit-Mind exists by the infinite and eternal will of the Paradise Father, and the collective will of the Paradise Trinity.
But this perception of the inner reality-experience of the "I am that I am" is still afar off from its collective realization in the totality perception-awareness of hue-man animal-origin civilization on Urantia.
We (collectively) continue to languish in the language of the virtual reality-experience--unreality. Why? Because language determines reality-perception determines beLIEf.
And the hue-manimal children of our Paradise Father are mostly self-satisfied not to exert the effort required to ask the deeper unrestricted questions of the meaning of their material bio-suit experiences which would lead them to the deeper and more broadly expansive, less circumscribed and less circumvented truths of the inner-reality experience of the "I am that I am."
The easy way out...the path of least resistance...the "lazy-mind" path is to wear the prison suit of whichever pre-made language matrix-constructs best seems to fit their inherited and programmed-prison-predisposed self-circumscribing mental attitudes.
Those warm and comfortable wool pajama booties around the mind, while sitting in a comfortable prison cell, the bars of which are pre-made virtual matrix language constructs, prohibit movement beyond these false beLIEf mental prison bars of the mind-matrix which falsely appear real to the unquestioning self.
And it is exactly false beLIEfs which equal "illusion."
The Matrix-Prison for the Mind...
In my perception, the great oxymoron is that the prison door is always open--the cave entrance to Plato's Cave is always open--but the imprisoned mind will never unchain itself from its matrix system of shadow-beLIEfs long enough to walk outside to experience an alternate reality--one that is God-connected--a greater reality that leads to increasing spiritualization of the mortal hue-manimal self.
The hue-man animal is programmed to ever expect a "savior" to come set free the individual self from his and her own self-imposed matrix-prison for the mind.
There is a pre-made evolving language for every possible virtual reality interactive thought-construct with the self, with one's fellow children of God, and with God himself.
Whether language devolves into a "prison-matrix-language of false beLIEfs" or evolves into an ever-changing and ever-expandingly higher vibration language free from false and self-imprisoning beLIEfs IS the mediator-escalator downward into increasing insanity or upward into increasing sanity--the "mediator-escalator," if you will...between the mortal mind-experience in the material bio-suit and the moral-ontia soul's experience of continuous connection to Father's indwelling Thought Adjuster.
The direction downward into increasing employment of negative, dark and distorting language leads to partial and to eventual total disconnection from the divine Indweller of the mind--delusion--evil, sin and wickedness.
The direction inward and upward leads to increasingly discarding negative, dark and distorting language which leads to the seeking and employment of higher and higher thought-language constructs which are ever soft and pliable--subject to change-improvement which then leads to greater and greater clarity of the filters through which the child of God views reality.
The "language of the spirit" is the "language of God" IS the reality of God indwelling the mortal-moral-ontia mind.
In my own mind-experience in this material bio-suit I am ever striving to discard the "language of death" for the "language of life." This is an ongoing daily effort and goal for which I am ever-momentarily striving, and will never cease making the effort, until the goal is achieved-realized in perfection.
The Only True Pandemic that Exists...
We indeed are indeed experiencing a worldwide pandemic--a worldwide plague--the "end of days;" it is the ONLY pandemic we have ever and always experienced on Urantia (Earth). It is a pandemic of fear-acceptance of authority which always promised and still promises to lead you to a...
a sexier you...
a more sexually satisfied you...
a more beautiful you...
a more handsome you...
happier and more fulfilled you...
a healthier you...
a more accepted you...
a richer you...
a more technologically equipped you...
a more connected you...
And all you ever have to do is to "do as we say..." while ignoring what we saith the little gods on Earth and their minions--order-givers, the order takers, the order-enforcers, and the executioners.
The worldwide pandemic, which has ever and always existed, is the one where you are programmed to sell your soul to evil satanic death cult leaders by never daring to think for yourself...
I know...when I say "satanic death cult leaders" you are thinking "out there somewhere" hidden and not visible. But you are wrong. These Luciferian-Satan worshipers are everywhere you look, as well as everywhere you are not looking. They are...
our political leaders...
our religious leaders...
our scientific community leaders...
our philosophic leaders...
our education leaders...
our military leaders...
large mega corporation leaders...
secret cult club leaders...
your employers...
your neighbor next door...
And they are ALL minions of the elite power-hungry for more control and wealth; these lower minions are ALL expendible. In a "globalist world order" we are ALL expendible. These evil-minded, sinful and wicked children of God are everywhere in your face, once your eyes are "opened."
It is indeed the "end times" for these wicked children of God, who have greatly influenced or directly caused so much propaganda mind-control--mischief, sadness, sorrow, depression, suicide, murder-assassination and war.
It is indeed the "end times" for those mortal children of God who are unwilling to stop fearing the assumed authority of these evildoers, sinners and wicked children of God--stop bowing down and worshiping their assumed authority--stop refusing to ask questions--who are unwilling to "think," who are in love with the lazy, slumbering mind-consciousness and refuse to "WAKE UP!"
The Inner Reality of the True Religion-Connection to Paradise Father's Indwelling Divine Spirit...
When you are re-personalized on Mansonia Number One, you instantaneously realize that "death was an illusion;" it added nothing to your experience of survival.
But being programmed, emotionally controlled, threatened, blackmailed, sexually abused, tortured and murdered at the hands of evil-mind, continually sinning, and wicked (no light within--no soul) children of God is NOT AN ILLUSION.
I would drag you out of Plato's Cave, kicking and screaming, if it were possible. But the reality is that you must choose to release yourself from your own mental-emotional prison shackles, and then claw, crawl on your belly and snail-inch forward toward the light beyond the Cave entrance door, on your fear-controlled...prideful, prejudiced, and ignorant own.
This is only true path out of the Cave and into the light.
I am speaking in metaphors so you may more graphically comprehend your own belligerent and self-serving defense of your lazy-minded unwillingness to independently think for yourself, clearly apart from your bowing down in worship of external authority.
Only when you choose to walk out of your own Cave of Shadows will you end your part in the worldwide pandemic of the "unthinking masses."
48:1.6 In the days of the mortal flesh the divine spirit indwells you, almost as a thing apart—in reality an invasion of man by the bestowed spirit of the Universal Father. But in the morontia life the spirit will become a real part of your personality, and as you successively pass through the 570 progressive transformations, you ascend from the material to the spiritual estate of creature life.
The language you choose to use becomes your system of beLIEfs which become the filters through which you create a descending staircase into increasing un-reality (virtual reality) or an ascending staircase into increasingly greater soul-conscious awareness of the "living faith reality" of connection to our Paradise Father's indwelling divine spirit reality--the Thought Adjuster.
Simply stated...
What you think is what you get... And your thoughts have extraordinary power to affect everything and everyone around you!
In the final analysis...the greatest evil on Urantia is not a pandemic of the fear of a virus.
When you look back over the history of hue-man civilization, we have never feared the common cold (which may lead to getting the flu, which in turn may lead to getting pneumonia, which in turn may lead to the death of the bio-suit.)
No, my friend. The greatest evil which has ever existed within hue-man civilization is the "fear to think" outside of the programmed matrix; it is a pandemic of ignorance. And this pandemic of ignorance will continue to exist, until we, as hue-man civilization wake up to our true potential to individually think for ourselves, and to collectively reason together in spiritual unity.
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