40 - Your Greatest Contribution to the Advancement of Your Soul

 your greatest contribution

Your Greatest Contribution 

to the Advancement of Your Soul

A Marital Match Truly Made in the Heaven of Heavens...

Your greatest gift to God, your Father of ALL, whose eternal home is Paradise, and your only gift of possible value to Him, is the alignment of your hue-man will with Father's divine will, present in your hue-man mind in the embodiment of His divine spirit - the Thought Adjuster. 

Your alignment with Father's will results in continual moral contributions to your divine partner's work in re-creating you in soul body form--slowly and surely maturing into self-mastery--you becoming your Thought Adjuster and your Thought Adjuster becoming you. 

Love Becomes Real

The Father's love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man's personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows.

The Urantia Book, (117:6.10)

This is the true meaning of...passing from the mortal into the status of a divine and eternal spirit. You are still you, only transformed and transcended into a divine son of the Paradise Father; the prepersonal Thought Adjuster has become personalized--attaining personality expression through you; you have become the new universe creature of the eternal past as well as of the eternal future. God and man have become one.
  • But how does this happen?

"This is a CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT never before experienced in the human species"


This is a time of consciousness shift never before experienced in the hue-man experience, in the hue-man species. We are now in the fifth (5th) dimension. 

Changes would be coming in all areas of our lives. 

Everything is personal choice. Even when beings think they don't have it, that's a choice in itself. Isn't it? Indecision is a decision in itself. Then life just happens to you. And it will continue to happen to you.

But when there is the discovery that life is happening through you, and for you, that's when dramatic changes occur.

It's like the thermostat in your home. You have the thermostat. You turn it up a few degrees or down a few degrees. It changes your environment. Doesn't it?

Well, when you change your minds and have a greater awareness of what we're speaking about, that's the thermostat of your life. And when you change it, even a small amount, as you would a one degree change in your home, that small change can change the trajectory of your life, forever.

It's a shift of consciousness. And it's changing our minds. 

It's changing the neural pathways in your brain from the old default system, the old ways of being that have generationally been passed along, societally passed along for thousands of years, from the flight fright freeze syndrome to the more collaborative thinking and awareness that you are the creator of life itself, master creators.

And that when you put your minds to it, the universal laws that are always working, the universal energies align with that thinking.

You have what you have because of the way you think.

Now, it's imperative that you all get it, that each and every one of you begin to change those neural pathways, that understanding of self love, and then the love of others.

Become conscious. Don't be stuck in the past. Nothing changes, unless things are intolerable. Discomfort or struggle is a choice. Isn't it? It's not a necessity.

With every circumstance or challenge there's always a gift. Look for the gifts and the blessings. 

In the beginning, it's difficult, but there is always that can be gained. And if one says what can be gained, rather than what is lost, you will find the gain.
Sheila Gillette

Not Some Thoughts but EVERY Thought

110:6.6 Every decision you make either impedes or facilitates the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these very decisions determine your advancement in the circles of human achievement. It is true that the supremacy of a decision, its crisis relationship, has a great deal to do with its circle-making influence; nevertheless, numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the habit-forming certainty of such reactions.

And so, it ought to be crystal clear to any "thinking" individual that, not just some thoughts, but every thought is important to master.

It is this very ability, if one so chooses and which requires great effort, to control the language which is used to formulate thought-emotions in the mind, which leads to mastery over the unruly hue-man animal material bio-suit. 

It is not the tongue which is unruly. 

It is exactly the language you choose to use to formulate your thought-emotions in the mind, which is the greatest of all challenges during the short training experience in material body form.

Then, the shift in conscious which must occur is exactly one of the moral choosing to be "spirit-led" by each of our indwelling Thought Adjusters. 
  • But what does even this mean?
It means that you begin with "allowing" yourself--your whole self--to recognize each and every thought for exactly what it is--positive or negative.

Every positive thought facilitates the work of your Thought Adjuster in creating a morontia mind duplicate of your material mind choosing (decision-making). These morontia duplicates are building your morontial soul-body self into greater and greater reality. And while the Thought Adjuster is recreating you, you are becoming increasingly more "morontia conscious" of who you really are.

And all of this effort on your part represents the transferring of your mortal material memory transcript into your morontial memory transcript; you are slowly but surely becoming a full-fledged mortal-morontial soul being.

48:7.26 24. The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living. The acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow.

You may choose to view this 24th of the 28th principle of high mortal philosophy from a very practical perception.

Every negative thought you choose (make a persistent repetitious daily and moment by moment effort) to transmute to a positive injunction of "allowing" yourself to embrace the inverse of that negative thought, you are, in fact and in honestly sincere cooperation with your indwelling Thought Adjuster, recreating yourself into morontial soul body and mind form--the higher vibration self which survives the purely mortal material bio-suit of animal origin.

And this, my friend, is your greatest contribution to the advancement of your soul.




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