44 - The Language of Virtual Reality - Unreality - Do YOU Feel Unreal?
the language of virtual reality The Language of Virtual Reality Unreality - Do YOU Feel Unreal? In quantum mechanics experiments using an atom and laser beams, it has been shown time and time again that a particle's past behavior changes based on the fact that we are observing it. How the atom behaves directly depends on how it was measured at the end of each test. Therefore, such experiments seem to validate the theory that reality doesn't exist until it's measured (observed). But such theories are still far removed from reality... The truth is far stranger than the partial but fictional godless reality-perception of quantum mechanics scientists. For a state of "illusion" to exist, there must also be an opposite from which the state of illusion emerges; there must be a progenitor state of "reality." What is the difference between "illusion" and "reality?" How do YOU define "illusion?" How do YOU define "reality?" ...