
Showing posts from November, 2021

44 - The Language of Virtual Reality - Unreality - Do YOU Feel Unreal?

the language of virtual reality The Language of Virtual Reality Unreality - Do YOU Feel Unreal? In quantum mechanics experiments using an atom and laser beams, it has been shown time and time again that a particle's past behavior changes based on the fact that we are observing it. How the atom behaves directly depends on how it was measured at the end of each test. Therefore, such experiments seem to validate the theory that reality doesn't exist until it's measured (observed). But such theories are still far removed from reality... The truth is far stranger than the partial but fictional godless reality-perception of quantum mechanics scientists. For a state of "illusion" to exist, there must also be an opposite from which the state of illusion emerges; there must be a progenitor state of "reality." What is the difference between "illusion" and "reality?" How do YOU define "illusion?" How do YOU define "reality?" ...

43 - Language Determines Reality...Determines Your Perception of Reality...Determines YOUR BeLIEfs...

language determines reality Language Determines Reality... Determines Your Perception of Reality... Determines YOUR Be LIE fs... "The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself."  -Noam Chomsky The Language of Ignorance "A growing body of evidence suggests that a person’s mother tongue shapes the way they think about many aspects of the world, including space and time." -Mitch Moxley This material bio-suit came into the world in a farming family which had (and still has) its own regional dialect of the English language. As I slowly but surely became aware of inhabiting this bio-suit, I subconsciously but intuitively began to focus my attention upon the learning of foreign languages. I was/have been immersed in the Spanish language and culture for many years. Studying Latin for four (4) years, French for two (2) years, and Russian for one (1) year, I further engaged in etymology and creative writing classes. In spite of many years of formal...

42 - Guardian Angels, Tireless Servers to Hue-mans!

guardian angels Guardian Angels,  Tireless Servers to Hue-mans! (Written 11-15-21) Guardian Angel, you are ever speaking to me... translating messages of my divine partner... voice of my Thought Adjuster ever sets me free... you sew the fertile seeds... I am the gardener... When the "garden of the mind" you let grow up weeds... they choke out any plants that would ever bear fruit... the mindful, diligent gardener...tills and feeds...  so that the fruit-bearing plants may sprout and take root... Guardian Angel, shimmering the truth on my mind... divine spirit's messages I may hear and see... your service to me is so beautifully kind... your love for me is facsimile... When the "garden of the mind" you let grow up weeds... they choke out any plants that would ever bear fruit... the mindful, diligent gardener...tills and feeds...  so that the fruit-bearing plants may sprout and take root... Guardian Angel, I invite you to be my guide... on this ...

41 - When Divine Love is Passing through YOU...ALL Pretension has Vanished...

  when divine love is passing through you When Divine Love is Passing through YOU... ALL Pretension has Vanished...   The language of light can only be decoded by the heart. -Suzy Kassem 48:7.17 15. Affectation is the ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich. Pretension--the Falsification of Truth Pretension was Lucifer's, Satan's, Caligastia's, Daligastia's and sixty members of their visible staff's great sin. Intentional (knowing) falsification of truth is a sin, the persistence in which may lead to eventual extinction of existence. Proof of this may be perceived in our Creator Father's response: 67:1.2 In the course of this inspection Satan informed Caligastia of Lucifer's then proposed "Declaration of Liberty," and as we now know, the Prince agreed to betray the planet upon the announcement of the rebellion. The loyal universe personalities look with peculiar disdain upon Prince Caligastia ...