38 - Celebrate every Moment of Life - Celebrate every Good Experience - even Death

celebrate every moment of life

Celebrate every Moment of Life

Celebrate every Good Experience

Even Death

Greater "Soul Awareness" is Yours for the Asking...

Hue-man civilization is going through one of, it not its greatest trial of rebirth into a higher level of both individual and collective "soul awareness."

What I share in this article, what I share in all of my articles will add to the increase in "soul awareness." And this contribution may seem insignificant...with no observable difference, but the contribution is made. What happens, after that, is in my Father's hands.

I know...that most who ever visit my site, or with whom I have direct communication, online or off, will hear or read my words and they will "go in one ear and out the other."

You could, however, read my words, letting them sink into your heart, mind and soul, and experience a significant vibratory increase in "soul awareness."

Everyday is special if you THINK so. Every moment is memorable if you FEEL so. Everyone is unique if you SEE so. Life is Beautiful is you LIVE so. Think positive and live happy... Celebrate life!

Celebrate Death? What!?!?

The average mortal of Urantia (Earth) cannot conceive of "celebrating life itself," let alone, celebrate every moment of life.

Rarely, if ever, is a mortal born who becomes so "soul aware" that he or she "celebrates death," celebrates the passing of a mortal soul into the next phase of forward universe progression.

Even as a small child...I did not equate sorrow with the passing of those closest to me. And there were too many family members and friends who transitioned before they ought to have, had they but chosen to treat their mortal habiliments as "sacred temples," instead of "garbage dumps" for toxic waste.

But little was I aware in childhood that I, too, was being programmed to treat my own body as a "toxic waste dump." This would lead to the greatest crisis of my young adult life in 1979, wherein I had to make a choice between "life" and "death."

You must learn to be alone and sit with yourself. Time spent in self-reflection is never wasted. It is humbling for the ego, but good for the soul.

What If?

Just for a moment...imagine in your mind's eye mirror...
  • a you that is fearless...
  • a you that is ever-momentarily connected to Father's divine spirit indwelling your mind...
  • a you that in a state of "living faith," in which there is no doubt...not even a "shadow of doubt," cast by a "hair's turning, you choose to celebrate every moment of life, even were the whole world to suddenly crash down around you.
I know... Your immediate reaction is to "disbeLIEve" that you could ever once reach, let alone, ever perfectly maintain such an inner high spiritual vibrational level of connection to Father through his indwelling divine spirit.

So, what if...
  • you make an effort and fail? 
  • you make another effort and fail?
  • and fail and fail, again?
By making effort after effort, no matter how many times you fall short of the goal of "perfect poise," "perfection," you are separating yourself from those lazy-minded children of God, who are ever indulging in and are satisfied with...MEDIOCRITY...

In Paper 48. - The Morontia Life - we read the 5th principle of high mortal philosophy:

48:7.7 5. Difficulties may challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful, but they only stimulate the true children of the Most Highs.

I am the master of my soul. I am the captain of my fate. -William Ernest Henley

Forward Soul-Building Progression...

It is in "living faith" we experience the truth-meaning of challenging our own mediocrity in the face of difficulties and being stimulated by every set of circumstances which would thwart our forward soul-building progression.

Living faith is only possible in a high vibrational state in which fear and doubt have no place. 

So, in order to achieve that high vibration state of "master of your soul and captain of your moment-by-moment and day-by-day destiny of tomorrow, you also must have attained to...
  • the mind of perfect poise, 
  • housed in a body of clean habits and clear thinking,
  • stabilized neural connections,
  • balanced chemical function,
  • the unity of the physical, mental and spiritual powers,
in order for you to become your indwelling Thought Controller and for your indwelling Thought Controller to become you.

Attaining to the Most Sacred Inner Space...

It is in this inner sacred state of peace, happiness, joy and love of our Father and love of fellow children, women and men that to celebrate every moment of life - celebrate every good, true and beautiful experience and even celebrating the transitioning of all of Father's children into the morontia worlds system of advancing spiritualization becomes possible.

48:7.24 22. The evolving soul is not made divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do.

And whether in the attainment of this highest vibrational state of at-one-ment with your indwelling divine spirit partner you translate-fuse, or not, the striving for the attainment is its own self-realization reward.



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