37 - Spirit Domination over Mind and Matter | The Supreme Level of Attainment

spirit domination over mind and matter

Spirit Domination over Mind and Matter 

The Supreme Level of Attainment 

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Our heavenly Father endowed us with free will choice. At the beginning of the Universe of universes, he decreed that free will choice is "inviolate." 

Yet, on this planet, because of the Lucifer rebellion and planetary default of the higher orders of beings, who were then ruling over both an invisible and a visible government, the planet was infected with a mental disorder, wherein the interference with and intentional programming of the masses became commonplace. 

Ignorance is not  bliss. 

Ignorance is the human animal refusal to free oneself of the belief-programming--the programming of the mind to fear "outside authorities" and simply "obey" what you are told is good for you. 

I began to learn early on how costly this truly was in my own past of many tragic events. 

Ignorance almost cost me my life.

Self-government -- with God our Father at the center -- maintaining a "living faith" connection to his indwelling divine spirit-presence (the still small voice within) is the "true awakening."

Anything and everything that falls short of the "Fatherhood of God," enthroned in the hearts of his earthly children, and subsequent "spiritual unity" uniting all children, women and men, at any one moment, presently living on Earth, is doomed to fail. 

The history of our planet has proven this to be the truth, time and time, and time again; empires, states, cities, towns, and tribal communities will continually rise and fail--fall apart, until this "true awakening" within the individual becomes the "collective awakening" within the whole of humankind."

Love--the unselfish love of doing the will of our Paradise Father and the concomitant unselfish desire to do good to one's fellow children of God--is the highest realization of truth, beauty and goodness in hue-man experiential attainment; this is the "supreme" level of spiritual unity with our divine Parents and with the evolving Supreme Being of the Grand Universe.

"We" is not "I." 

"I" readily becomes "We" when your beLIEf rises to the vibrational level of faith and you are living the "Fatherhood of God" and the "Fraternalhood" of children, women and men in your daily life. 

Focus on becoming the "virus of love" rather than focusing on seeing the lack of love in individuals and in the various groupings of the hue-man children of God spread across the planet. 

And your courage, effort, focus and dedication to experiencing the "lessons of life" on this spiritual path to full soul maturity is how you attain to the "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."

Fear - the "Great Distorter" of the Mind

Sometime ago, in one of my previous articles I touched upon the idea that it is possible that the majority of hue-man children of God are so fear-bound they "pre-plan" how long they are going to live before cessation of vital motion in the body happens.

Exploring this idea further...

Fear bends the neural network to mind-connection into a "concave mirror" of "self-reflection." And looking into this concave mirror, all the fear-beLIEf-bound individual sees is his and her own mortal-identity reflection.

Perhaps, and this is so in my early experiences, it is not possible to see beyond this mortal-identity reflection until reaching a crisis point, where to choose an unselfish path forward is the only possible means of escape from the fear-bound self.

But so many times no one sees the child of God reaching that crisis point, which far too often ends in taking one's own life, in order to escape the inner war--conflictions, anger, emotional turbulence, finger-pointing, holding of grudges, anxiety and depression.

The Lone Wolf In the Build Immune System Line

I would likely be the only one standing in the Build Immune System line, because of the fact that I began building my immune system in 1982 with changing my beLIEfs by changing my self-perception through the holding in my mind of higher vibration thoughts:

I am well.
I am vibrantly healthy.
I am optimally well.
Well in spirit; well in mind; well in body.

And many more.

I have maintained a whole foods plant-based diet for 40 years. The result has been a 'sickness-free" lifestyle, even when exposed to others illnesses.

I actively eliminate "closed-ended" words and negative thought constructs from my vocabulary. If I use one or more in conversation, or writing (like I have done, here, I intentionally choose to use the word(s) and thought-constructs.

Closed-ended, negative (low-vibration) words have no place in my private communication with myself or with Father's indwelling spirit.

We live on a bassackward world where there is an almost total ignorance of where so-called dis-ease begins. I have just given you the answer. Are you intelligent and self-caring enough to "change your beLIEfs by changing your self-perception?"

A Simple Life with Simple Daily Practices

There is no substitute for the "natural immunity" which can only be obtained and realized through a high vibratory level of positive and healthy thoughts,  filtering the water we drink, eating only healthy fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbal nutrition to supplement. 

In addition to this, the simple practice of drinking 8 oz. of filter water, containing 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar with mother (probiotic bacteria), 2 table spoons of lemon juice, and a quarter to half teaspoon of baking soda will maintain the proper pH balance of 7.2 or higher, at which pH level the immune system is optimized--at its strongest.

These simple practices, avoiding processed and fast foods, and continually detoxifying is why I do not fear getting ill. And I am, now, 70, and enjoying optimal health and well-being.

Change your perception you change your beLIEf; then, you dramatically change your life. Whether that dramatic change is for the worse or the better directly depends on the thought-emotion-habit-reaction patterns you habitually say, day in and day out.

The Most Powerful Transformation in Hue-man Experience

Also ever remember: those that are daily transitioning off the planet will either immediately or sometime in the not-so-distant future arrive on the shores of a more spiritual planet where they will resume their lives and forward spiritual progress. 

And sometime soon...each of us has our own moment of transition and experiences the same. 

The more we advance in understanding, wisdom-discernment, and soul-growth building, the greater our individual spiritual progress in attaining to "true character." 

The more spiritual advanced of us will immediately take up where we left off, here. 

The less advanced, must wait until the roll call at the end of an epoch. 

But either way, we are soon rejoined with each other in lives on more spiritualized worlds so beautiful in their architectural design and educational systems, we cannot begin to imagine, until we are there, and no longer here. 

There is a saying... "Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival." :-)

As I often say to those closest to me... I am ever-momentarily preparing to "exit the bio-suit."

I can in truth say this, because I am ever-momentarily maintaining my "living faith" connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence within my mind. And such a high state of soul-identity self-awareness is continuously open to all of Father's mortal children, if only they would choose Father's will over their own. 

"It is my will that your will be done, Father," is the most powerful transformation from selfish to unselfish in my own experience. And choosing to align the mortal will with will of God is the only possible gift of value we may choose to give back to the Source of our very existence.

What It Means to Be a True Leader...

A true leader doesn't create separation. 
A true leader brings people together.

195:10.1  Christianity has indeed done a great service for this world, but what is now most needed is Jesus. The world needs to see Jesus living again on earth in the experience of spirit-born mortals who effectively reveal the Master to all men. It is futile to talk about a revival of primitive Christianity; you must go forward from where you find yourselves. Modern culture must become spiritually baptized with a new revelation of Jesus' life and illuminated with a new understanding of his gospel of eternal salvation. And when Jesus becomes thus lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. Jesus' disciples should be more than conquerors, even overflowing sources of inspiration and enhanced living to all men. Religion is only an exalted humanism until it is made divine by the discovery of the reality of the presence of God in personal experience.

 Every exalted humanism is doomed to failure and to perish. An exalted humanism has ever and will always fail to build true character. An exalted humanism can only accomplish the exact opposite of a true character. 

Revealing the Master to All Men

Let's break down the above passage.
  • Become spirit-born mortals who effectively reveal the Master to all men.
  • Become spiritually baptized with a new revelation of Jesus' life.
  • Become illuminated with a new understanding of his gospel of eternal salvation.
  • Become more than a conqueror.
  • Become overflowing sources of inspiration.
  • Become the manifest example of enhanced living to all men.
  • Become the reality of the presence of God in personal experience.

Spirit Domination over Mind and Matter

Across the 2,097 pages of The Urantia Book, the reader-studier-applier of its many truth-concept and high principles of mortal living will discover, time and time, again, the "blueprint" path to achieving the true character cooperation with Father's indwelling Thought Adjuster. 

Within the following two passages, we may choose to see the "blueprint" with well-nigh absolute clarity in mind-ingestion, mind-acceptance, mind-embrace and mind-application to one's daily life activities of interaction and interrelationship with fellow children of God. 

111:5.1 The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God—with the very God who has made such a creature life of inner meaning-value possible. Sharing is Godlike—divine. God shares all with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, while they, in turn, share all things with the divine Sons and spirit Daughters of the universes.

111:5.2 The imitation of God is the key to perfection; the doing of his will is the secret of survival and of perfection in survival.

When you go beyond "talking your walk" and truly "walk your talk," you are on the "blueprint" path to attainment to the realization of spirit domination over mind and matter.

The Supreme Level of Attainment

117:3.9 Deity is unity, existential in the Trinity, experiential in the Supreme, and, in mortals, creature-realized in Adjuster fusion. The presence of the Thought Adjusters in mortal man reveals the essential unity of the universe, for man, the lowest possible type of universe personality, contains within himself an actual fragment of the highest and eternal reality, even the original Father of all personalities.

Thus, we may perceive that to achieve Adjuster fusion is the realization of "the essential unity of the universe," unity with the evolving Supreme God of time and space - the "collectively manifesting" supreme consciousness, but as yet, unrevealed personality that is the "totality of the consciousnesses and experiences of all personalities" in the Grand Universe.
Thus, we see in the following passage a description of that "essential unity" with the indwelling divine spirit fragment of our Paradise Father:

110:6.4  It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

This passage is a summary of the divine "blueprint" for the attainment of "spirit domination over mind and matter" and the realization of unity with the evolving Supreme.

Ever-momentarily Striving to Rise Above and Eliminate the "Lucifer Infection"

As student readers-studiers of The Urantia Book, we are none of us exempt from the "Lucifer Infection." 

For 250,000 years the masses of hue-man children of God have been "programmed" with the idea of "self-assertion," while "mesmerized" - under a "spell" of fear of those who appoint themselves or are fraudulently elected into positions of power-authority over their fellow "free will choice-endowed" children of God.

The average mortal is programmed by the parents, elders and peers to beLIEve that you are an individual with the right to "do and say" whatever pleases you, as long as you remain a slave to the State. Obedience to government mandates, laws and regulations quickly becomes the sacred Canon of the individual; the State has become the religion that replaces the individual's inner "faith-connection" to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence.

It is through "self-assertion" that so-called royal family bloodlines have amassed untold quadrillions of dollars of wealth, and in the present, exercise self-assumed power-control over all governments, media and corporations.

"Self-assertion" is why hue-man civilization is experiencing it greatest crisis in the whole of hue-man history. And "self-assertion" is why "deficiencies of character" are accepted as "the norm" in hue-man experience.

When "self-assertion," becomes the programmed "norm" both mind and body become "garbage dumps." 

The self-asserting individual beLIEves he and she can "eat whatever manufactured convenience and fast foods and beverages" "taste good" and "feel good," and this "self-asserted right" is without responsibility of "self-governance," "care, or concern" for the consequences of treating the mind and body as a "garbage dump" of "toxic" and mostly "nutrition-less" crap disguised as food.

And so, I ask you... 

How would it ever be possible to achieve...
    • a mind of perfect poise,
    • a body of clean habits and clear thinking,
    • stabilized neural energies,
    • balanced chemical function,
    • the triune harmony of the physical, mental and spiritual powers,
    • receiving a maximum of light and truth--
    • balanced growth...
when you are treating your mind and body as a "toxic garbage dump," instead of a "sacred gift" from our divine Creator Father and Ministering Mother?


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