36 - The Path of Attainment to Spirit Personality through Self-Mastery

 the path of attainment

The Path of Attainment to

Spirit Personality through Self-Mastery

The Synchronicity of Spirit - The Exploration of Parallel Relationships

While self-mastery and true character are synonymous in the final stages of the attainment to full morontial soul self-consciousness of identity, self-mastery and true character are quite disparate (far apart) in the beginning stages.

The very first of the twenty-eight statements says...

"A display of specialized skills does not signify spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character."

At the level of robotic mechanical mortal consciousness within the natural mind of the bio-suit (the physical body), the hue-manimal is mesmerized by the "shadows dancing on the wall" in the "mirror of mind." 
  • Will you get to the "transition off the planet" time in your mortal life path progression and look back across the decades to "weigh in the balance" that it was more important to you continue on in the same old monotonous virtual digital loop of daily bad habits (deficiencies of character)?
  • Will you get to the "transition off the planet" time in your mortal life path progression and look back across the decades to "weigh in the balance" that it was more important to you to love our Paradise Father by aligning your will with His will? 
    • - to love yourself and manifestly project love out into the world by engaging in acts of unselfish service? 
    • - to give your indwelling Thought Adjuster your utmost honestly sincere cooperation? 
    • - to "let go" of all "useless beLIEf scaffolding?" 
    • - to "allow" yourself to grow into every possible "character virtue" as an investment into your own mortal-morontial maturity? 
    • - to be as much and do as much as it takes to grow into a "spirit personality?"

110:6.1 The sum total of personality realization on a material world is contained within the successive conquest of the seven psychic circles of mortal potentiality. Entrance upon the seventh circle marks the beginning of true human personality function. Completion of the first circle denotes the relative maturity of the mortal being. Though the traversal of the seven circles of cosmic growth does not equal fusion with the Adjuster, the mastery of these circles marks the attainment of those steps which are preliminary to Adjuster fusion.

Compare "Entrance upon the seventh circle marks the beginning of true human personality function" to the first four of the twenty-eight statements of "true character virtues" attainment.

"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." -Mark Twain

The First Step is Self-Correction

The "character deficiencies" which are not "self-corrected" within the seventh psychic circle are carried over into each succeeding circle entered until they are "mastered."

In these first four principles, the influence of the first Adjutant mind spirit is that of "marshalling," methodically assembling and arranging (facts, ideas, objects, etc.) toward "moral" decisioning.

The reaction in the evolving hue-man mind is one of "directional intuition" toward becoming "spirit-led." And this thought-emotion-reaction eventually leads to the first act of "moral courage." It takes moral courage, even in the child mind, to step beyond the boundaries of hue-manimal fear to choose "unselfishness" over "selfishness." 

48:7.3 1. A display of specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character.
  • Is the physical-energy system recognized as "human," by Super universe stands before the first moral decision is made?
  • Is the moral individual (wherein all seven Adjutant mind spirits are making contact) recognized as a spirit personality before fusion with the indwelling Thought Adjuster occurs?
The moral decisioning breakthrough into the 7th psychic circle, whether it occurs at a very young age or sometime during the individual life path progression, means that the mortal mind has been "impregnated" by the instantaneously appearing divine spirit - the Thought Adjuster; this marks the true beginning of the morontia soul.

  • What was that "first moral decision," if not choosing a virtuous act of true character over mere "specialized skills and cleverness," an "unselfish action" over a "selfish" one?
  • Thus...experientially "correcting" oneself onto a "moral" course?
Listen for the voice of Father through his indwelling divine spirit - the Thought Adjuster - you ought to be willing to learn the art of the self-control of the busy mind; in love with the sound of your own busy thoughts is NOT listening.

The Second Step is Self-Control

The "character deficiencies" which are not "self-controlled" within the seventh psychic circle are carried over into each succeeding circle entered until they are "mastered."

48:7.4 2. Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.

When the second Adjutant mind spirit is making contact with the natural mortal mind, the individual child of God, as he and she is gaining in experiential understanding, begins to reason through unreasoned fears.

It's takes great "self-control" coupled to increasing "living faith" to rise above the...
  • fear of the unknown...
  • fear of death...
  • fear of a perceived threat (illusionary or real)...
  • the fear of being "unworthy"...
  • the fear of "external authorities"...and...
  • the subsequent fear to question and research.
Until the virtue of "living faith-trust" in Father's will is "mastered" the "drift" will tend toward the "lack of true character" habit and practice of foisting intellectual fraud upon one's own morontial soul, and concomitantly, upon the morontial souls of fellow children of our Paradise Father.

132:3.4  Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father's will, to find God and to become like him

  • Are you yet developing a "singleness of purpose to do the Father's will, to find God and to become like him?"
  • Or is this just a "secondary thought" in your daily life?

The Third Step is Self-Direction Toward the Indwelling Thought Adjuster

The "character deficiencies," which are not "self-directed toward the indwelling Thought Adjuster," within the seventh psychic circle, are carried over into each succeeding circle entered until they are "mastered."

48:7.5 3. Inherent capacities cannot be exceeded; a pint can never hold a quart. The spirit concept cannot be mechanically forced into the material memory mold. 

There are no "boundaries" in the mind, except those which are perceived to be real; these are the arbitrary "rules" made up by the various groupings of the children of God. 

The majority of these "made up rules" are created to fear-enslave the free will choosing of the mortal hue-man child of God.

When the individual child of God fears "external authorities," and subsequently, feels "unworthy" to question "tyrannical control" over free will, from the outside, only daring to "self-direct" back to "Father's will" in the divine presence of the indwelling Thought Adjuster may lead to "freeing oneself" from such a self-imposed prison of the mind.

In time...and...in...eternity...all limits will slowly but surely be perceived as nonexistent, except those which the Universe Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit Mind deem necessary to protect the "secrets of existence," except our own.

All "character virtues" associated with the resistance to self-directing to be "spirit-led" by the indwelling Thought Adjuster will be carried over into the succeeding circles until mastery is achieved.

Thus, we see in principle number three that the path to the attainment of "spirit personality" is the attainment to "true character" wherein alignment with Father's will is "continuous." (Not even a "shadow of a hair's turning.")

In the next life to come, how will you "self-justify" hanging onto for the whole of your mortal life...the fear-bound beLIEfs of which you refused to "let go" and with which you willingly imprisoned your God-given gifts of mind-consciousness, personality, and soul?

The Fourth Step is Self-Mastery

The "character deficiencies" which are not "self-mastered" within the seventh psychic circle are carried over into each succeeding circle entered until they are "mastered."

48:7.6 4. Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.
  • What are the "personality credits" received from the ministries of nature?
  • What are the "personality credits" received from the ministry of grace?
Upon the making of the first moral decision-choice to embrace, become and actualize the higher truth, beauty and goodness of true character through the act itself, two simultaneous events within the individual have occurred:
  • The reception of Father's bestowal of the gift of personality.
  • The reception of Father's gift of the Thought Adjuster.
  • The "conception" of the embryonic morontial soul.
  • The "increasingly augmenting" influence of the combined influence of the seven Adjutant mind spirits (until break through into the third psychic circle), under the direction of the Adjutant of wisdom, and encircuitment into the Holy Spirit, and
  • The influence of the Spirit of Truth of the Creator Son.
112:2.9  The possession of personality identifies man as a spiritual being since the unity of selfhood and the self-consciousness of personality are endowments of the supermaterial world.

When the evolving morontia soul is increasingly becoming mature and real to itself, and in the Universe, and the indwelling Thought Adjuster is achieving increasing personality expression, then this evolving spiritual personality will see life and reality from the inverse: the consciousness of the consciousness of consciousness--spirit personality expressing through the soul-mind into and outward through the mortal bio-suit.

The "true power" of self-mastery is expressed as:

It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first. 

When this high estate of the Thought Adjuster expressing through the personality is attained...the individual mortal-morontial soul has attained as near actuality of spiritual personality as is possible before translation-fusion occurs.

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person." -Albert Einstein

The True Measure of Trustworthiness is Self-Mastery

(Written January 3rd, 2021)


You hold onto old programming...anecdotal beLIEfs...

as though your daydream world might come to an end without them

virtual hue-manimal speedily ends in death's release...

your virtual beLIEfs, in fact, soul growth...rejects and condemns...


You spend almost all of your life in meaningless chatter...

your selfish thoughts and evil deeds done cheaply in secret...

the cost: a long healthy life greatly shortened...doesn't matter...

lifelong you seek 'symptom treatment'--nothing but concealment...

On a scale of one to ten--character of perfect poise

is far greater than the sum of its parts... tenacity...

required to let go of all physical mechanism noise...

the true measure of trustworthiness is self-mastery

So, why do you hold onto petty character weakness?

and yes, you choose your character defects, same as your strengths

your hue-man stress results from unwillingness to confess

stubborn refusal to change is your low-bar wave-lengths...

Fear--vision distorter... prejudice--the wall it creates...

a decisive character growing into mature soul,

increasingly sincere, trusts, and never hesitates

to embrace greater love of greater truth--the mortal goal...

On a scale of one to ten--character of perfect poise

is far greater than the sum of its parts... tenacity...

required to let go of all physical mechanism noise...

the true measure of trustworthiness is self-mastery

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

34:6.11 The Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. Every step you take must be one of willingness, intelligent and cheerful co-operation. The domination of the Spirit is never tainted with coercion nor compromised by compulsion.

34:6.12 And when such a life of spirit guidance is freely and intelligently accepted, there gradually develops within the human mind a positive consciousness of divine contact and assurance of spirit communion; sooner or later “the Spirit bears witness with your spirit (the Adjuster) that you are a child of God.” Already has your own Thought Adjuster told you of your kinship to God so that the record testifies that the Spirit bears witness “with your spirit,” not to your spirit.

34:6.13 The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, “for the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” Such spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths of toil and in human faithfulness perform the duties of their earthly assignments, have already begun to discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world; already have they begun to comprehend the reality of that inspiring and comforting truth, “The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” And throughout every trial and in the presence of every hardship, spirit-born souls are sustained by that hope which transcends all fear because the love of God is shed abroad in all hearts by the presence of the divine Spirit.

Paper 111


Since this inner life of man is truly creative, there rests upon each person the responsibility of choosing as to whether this creativity shall be spontaneous and wholly haphazard or controlled, directed, and constructive. How can a creative imagination produce worthy children when the stage whereon it functions is already preoccupied by prejudice, hate, fears, resentments, revenge, and bigotries?

The Urantia Book (111:4.9)

Paper 160


Successful living is nothing more or less than the art of the mastery of dependable techniques for solving common problems. The first step in the solution of any problem is to locate the difficulty, to isolate the problem, and frankly to recognize its nature and gravity. The great mistake is that, when life problems excite our profound fears, we refuse to recognize them. Likewise, when the acknowledgment of our difficulties entails the reduction of our long-cherished conceit, the admission of envy, or the abandonment of deep-seated prejudices, the average person prefers to cling to the old illusions of safety and to the long-cherished false feelings of security. Only a brave person is willing honestly to admit, and fearlessly to face, what a sincere and logical mind discovers.

The Urantia Book (160:1.7)

Paper 28

Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses

You will first encounter these beings on the mansion worlds, and they will there instruct you in the advantageous use of that which you call “time,” both in its positive employment, work, and in its negative utilization, rest. Both uses of time are important.

4. The Solemnity of Trust. Trust is the crucial test of will creatures. Trustworthiness is the true measure of self-mastery, character. These seconaphim accomplish a double purpose in the economy of the superuniverses: They portray to all will creatures the sense of the obligation, sacredness, and solemnity of trust. At the same time they unerringly reflect to the governing authorities the exact trustworthiness of any candidate for confidence or trust.

On Urantia, you grotesquely essay to read character and to estimate specific abilities, but on Uversa we actually do these things in perfection. These seconaphim weigh trustworthiness in the living scales of unerring character appraisal, and when they have looked at you, we have only to look at them to know the limitations of your ability to discharge responsibility, execute trust, and fulfill missions. Your assets of trustworthiness are clearly set forth alongside your liabilities of possible default or betrayal.

It is the plan of your superiors to advance you by augmented trusts just as fast as your character is sufficiently developed to gracefully bear these added responsibilities, but to overload the individual only courts disaster and insures disappointment. And the mistake of placing responsibility prematurely upon either man or angel may be avoided by utilizing the ministry of these infallible estimators of the trust capacity of the individuals of time and space. These seconaphim ever accompany Those High in Authority, and never do these executives make assignments until their candidates have been weighed in the secoraphic balances and pronounced “not wanting.”

The Urantia Book (28:6.12, 28:6.13 4, 28:6.14, and 28:6.15)



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