35 - Spirit Personality - Your Closest Approach before Translation - Fusion Happens
spirit personality
Spirit Personality - Your Closest Approach
before Translation - Fusion Happens
- So very little of what is exchanged between individuals, whether online in social media platforms or offline in everyday conversations is factual-based.
- So very little of what is reported and said is factual-based.
- The careless and even reckless use of language is everywhere evident.
- Is Tell-LIES-Vision (in any media format) more powerful than a nuclear weapon for creating fear in order to control hue-man minds?
9:5.7 "Too often, all too often, you mar your minds by insincerity and sear them with unrighteousness; you subject them to animal fear and distort them by useless anxiety."
- Is the fear of one's own emotional reactions and the emotional reactions of fellow beings...caring too much...or...caring too little?
- Is not the only thing that truly mattered whether, in any given situation and circumstances, when communicating with the self and with others, either you transcended fear or you did not?
- And is not also the only thing that truly mattered whether you "allowed" yourself to align your will with Father's will, inviting his indwelling divine spirit presence to lead you into that higher awareness wherein you fearlessly exercise your "priceless powers" of "free will choice" to self-correct, exercise self-control, self-direct back to spirit and attain to a greater level of self-mastery?
You don't have to prove your truth to others. The truth proves itself on its own.
-Roxana Jones
The Slightest Twisting or Perversion of Truth
48:6.33 ...The shadow of a hair’s turning, premeditated for an untrue purpose, the slightest twisting or perversion of that which is principle—these constitute falseness. But the fetish of factualized truth, fossilized truth, the iron band of so-called unchanging truth, holds one blindly in a closed circle of cold fact. One can be technically right as to fact and everlastingly wrong in the truth.
- If living a "principled life" were of no great importance, why does this passage refer to "the slightest twisting or perversion of that which is principle?"
- Ask yourself further, why, if principles and living the "principled life" were of no great importance would the morontia teacher bother to include the twenty-eight principles in his teaching curriculum?
Further understand that you are not, now, nor will you ever experience "true freedom," until you attain to "spirit personality."
The freest individual child of God on Urantia is the one who no longer has anything to hide.
God IS Spirit Personality
1:6.8 God is spirit—spirit personality; man is also a spirit—potential spirit personality. Jesus of Nazareth attained the full realization of this potential of spirit personality in human experience; therefore his life of achieving the Father's will becomes man's most real and ideal revelation of the personality of God. Even though the personality of the Universal Father can be grasped only in actual religious experience, in Jesus' earth life we are inspired by the perfect demonstration of such a realization and revelation of the personality of God in a truly human experience.
After reading the above passage, it is likely that the average reader of The Urantia Book, no matter whether a new reader or one who has engaged in many years of reading and studying, fear-doubts his and her "worthiness" to attain to "the perfect demonstration of such a realization and revelation of the personality of God in a truly human experience."
Jesus Was Reasonable
...the Master was so reasonable, so approachable. He was so practical in all his ministry, while all his plans were characterized by such sanctified common sense. He was so free from all freakish, erratic, and eccentric tendencies.
The Urantia Book, (100:7.3)
Joy of the Lord by Greg Olsen
After all...Jesus of Nazareth, Joshua Ben Joseph, was the dual personality of Michael of Nebadon, our Creator Father and Sovereign of a vast realm of Orvonton (the Milky Way) galaxy, comprised of a potential of ten million inhabited worlds on which hue-man life is evolving.
Jesus was both hue-man and super hue-man.
- Was he not?
So, who are you to think you are "worthy," as an ordinary hue-man mortal child of God to ever be worthy of attaining to the perfection of "true character," before you transition off this planet?
You must be joking! It is not possible!
- Or is it?
- How much do you really love our Paradise Father?
- Do you love Him enough to "let go" of every belligerent "self-assertion?"
- Do you love Father enough to say..."every time I fall down in trying to break this bad habit...I will mentally-emotionally get back up and again make an effort to rise above the bad habit by replacing it with a positive and superior habit, which I am willing to practice daily?"
- Do you love Him enough to say..."It is my will, Father, that your will be done, now, and forevermore?"
The Still, Small Voice
- Are you listening? Really listening?
- Or do you keep your mortal mind so
- busy with mundane thoughts of what is going on in your life, presently,
- thoughts, concerns and conflicts with family and friends,
- thoughts of past conflicts, tragedies, blaming, loss and
- anxieties about tomorrow...
- you are so "full of yourself" wherein the mind has no room for receiving the leading and guiding messages of your indwelling Thought Adjuster?
There is an animal which stands on two legs, has a beak, loves to preen itself, and repeat everything it hears...
"Talkaholism is as much an addiction to internal chaos, and potentially a permanent type of insanity, as is an addiction to toxic foods, which also create chaos in the body and end in insanity within the body called...cancer...
"While the speech of God spoken from the whirlwind was a majestic concept for the day of its utterance, you have already learned that the Father does not thus reveal himself, but rather that he speaks within the human heart as a still, small voice, saying, `This is the way; walk therein.' "
Jesus, 148:6.10 (1664.2)
It is only the empty, quiet mind that makes the time to listen...really listen to the leading and guiding of the indwelling divine spirit-presence of our Paradise Father.
These two types of insanity, one within the mind and the other within body create a digital loop of continual negative reactions to both external and internal stimuli from which there often is no escape except through the death of the bio-suit.
"Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn't shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don't allow others to control the direction of your life. Don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence."
-Morgan Freeman
Internalizing Principles of Truth is What Most Matters
It is not specifically the reading and studying of The Urantia Book but lifting its many truths off the written page, embracing those truths by internalizing them and "allowing" those truths to grow within the mind as an experiential investment into one's own sincerely honest cooperation with the indwelling Thought Changer, Adjuster, Controller's efforts to weave the morontia soul into full maturity - full self-consciousness of reality-existence.Your Faith will Transform You into the Fully Matured Soul of True Character
4:4.9 The consciousness of a victorious human life on earth is born of that creature faith which dares to challenge each recurring episode of existence when confronted with the awful spectacle of human limitations, by the unfailing declaration: Even if I cannot do this, there lives in me one who can and will do it, a part of the Father-Absolute of the universe of universes. And that is “the victory which overcomes the world, even your faith.” (59.5)
And from the second of the twenty-eight principles we learn that few children of God live up to the faith which they really have." Instead, the great majority of us are committing intellectual fraud upon our own souls and upon the souls of fellow children of God.
117:4.14 ...God first loves man and confers upon him the potential of immortality —eternal reality. And as man loves God, so does man become eternal in actuality. And here is mystery: The more closely man approaches God through love, the greater the reality—actuality—of that man.
The Belligerent Self-Asserting Hue-manimal versus the Humility of a "Living Faith" Connection to Father's Indwelling Divine Spirit
The Belligerent Self-Asserting Hue-manimal
- What is the inverse of the passage found at 117:4.14 in The Urantia Book?
- Isn't it obvious?
- The more the hue-man child of God puts on ego-display his and her own belligerent self-assertion the farther removed from Father's indwelling divine presence he and she is?
- How many common ways do you belligerently and even boastfully assert your own "ego-pride," thereby distancing yourself from Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence?
- You are right and everyone else is wrong.
- Feel deep distrust and hatred when others disagree with you.
- My family bloodline is superior to your family bloodline.
- My race is superior. All other races are inferior.
- I am intellectually superior to everyone else.
- Putting distance between yourself and others when you feel offended by their words and actions - the projection "blame game."
- God is on my side. He favors me more than He does you.
- My team is better than your team.
- My group is better than your group.
- My party is better than your party.
- My religion is superior to your religion.
- My sacred book is superior to all other sacred books.
- My beLIEfs are superior to your beLIEfs.
- I am one of God's "chosen few."
Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.
The Humility of a "Living Faith" Connection to Father's Indwelling Divine Spirit
- Are you aware and observing that you sometimes or even often engage in intellectual arguments with fellow children of God?
- Are you willing to "let go" of your own beLIEf defenses?
- Or are you like a Pit Bull?
- You just don't want to "let go?" You must defend what you beLIEve is YOUR truth?
- Do you understand that it is fear-pride (too fearful of being wrong and too proud to humbly withdraw?)
- How sincerely honest are YOU with YOURSELF?
I woke up one morning to realize that all of the 'knowing' contained in my lifetime of experience is but a microscopic drop in an endlessly deep well of the knowledge and wisdom of an all-knowing God of the Universe of universes.
What then is "Spirit Personality?"
32:5.4 Most human beings die because, having failed to achieve the spirit level of Adjuster fusion, the metamorphosis of death constitutes the only possible procedure whereby they may escape the fetters of time and the bonds of material creation, thereby being enabled to strike spiritual step with the progressive procession of eternity.
- So, are "spirit personality" and "Adjuster fusion" one and the same?
- Is attainment to the self-realization of "spirit personality" prerequisite to Adjuster fusion?
- What then does it require of us to attain to the self-realization of having become a spirit personality before the cessation of vital motion within the bio-suit?