34 - I Am Well - I Am Always Well in Spirit, Mind and Body

i am well

I Am Well - I Am Always Well 

in Spirit, Mind and Body

The Reflective View

In the early years of 1970, I began to rudimentarily understand something of what I later called "the reflective view." Some years later in the late 90's I looked back to realize that the "reflective view" was the lowest level of the awakening morontia soul.
  • So, what then was the real meaning and value of the "reflective view?"
In 2000, I wrote a song poem called The Reflective View. It captures the essence of the meaning and value of "the reflective view."

The Reflective View

Amidst the confusion--of his hue-man illusions--
pardon his intrusions--into our mind...
we watch his distortions--emotional contortions--
observe his obsessions--of the hue-man kind...

We delight in his reversals--his mortal rehearsals--
the truth in the inverse--he thinks he sees...
when he finds what truly mattered--his life no longer scattered--
he sports his scars in battle--with reality...

He seeks Paradise--by the sea
a changeless idyll--within--like eternity...
we shudder--in horror--when he is ugly blind--
displacing the times--he claims--peace of mind...

You see--It's alright... It's alright... It's alright (by me)...
I say it's all right... It's all right... It's all right to see (for me)...

You see him--reflecting--genuflecting--
erecting a soul--point-of-view...
but when the hair turns--and his mind starts to burn--
he warps into anal--his whole life--askew...

We penetrate the normal--like an open portal--
in 7D circles--for an absolute view...
in the reflective mirror--his soul is getting clearer--
as he grows beyond the fear--of what he failed to do...

He seeks Paradise--by the sea
a changeless idyll--within--like eternity...
we shudder--in horror--when he is ugly blind--
displacing the times--he claims--peace of mind...

You see--It's alright... It's alright... It's alright (by me)...
I say it's all right... It's all right... It's all right to see (for me)...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

Ascending and Descending between the Mortal and the Morontial

118:10.9  The apparent cruelty of a perverse fate that heaps tribulation upon some suffering mortal may in reality be the tempering fire that is transmuting the soft iron of immature personality into the tempered steel of real character. 

You are both a child of the cosmos and a child of the Paradise Father -- the Universe Father of ALL beings and things.

It is our great goal of hue-man attainment to develop the "tempered steel of real character," true character.

So, a great question to ask yourself is...
  • Am I acting like a child of the cosmos and of the Universe Father of ALL beings and things?
  • Am I acting responsibly with this body-on-loan?
  • Am I acting responsibly with this mind-on-loan?
  • Am I acting responsibly with this personality-on-loan? (Remember: Even personality, the gift of the Paradise Father, is on loan until you make the final decision to ascend and re-personalize on Mansonia Number One.)
  • Am I living my daily life mostly "selfishly" (self-centered)?
  • Am I living my daily life mostly "unselfishly" (service-to-others minded)?
  • Are you acting in the "beLIEf" that you are an island to yourself, that you are entitled to assert your right to "act in the manner of your choosing," without regard to how it affects everyone and everything around you?
  • Are you acting in the "knowing" that everything is connected within the Universe, and that you are personally connected to everything that exists, and your thoughts and actions affect everything that exists?
  • Do I daily conduct myself in one or more "shameful" and even "despicable" displays of hue-manimal behavior?
  • Do I daily conduct myself with the "nobility" of a child of God?

I have arbitrarily broken the following passage apart into bullet points: 

111:7.5  “Much of my difficulty was due to the unending conflict between the two natures of my subject: 
  • the urge of ambition opposed by animal indolence
  • the ideals of a superior people crossed by the instincts of an inferior race
  • the high purposes of a great mind antagonized by the urge of a primitive inheritance
  • the long-distance view of a far-seeing Monitor counteracted by the nearsightedness of a creature of time
  • the progressive plans of an ascending being modified by the desires and longings of a material nature
  • the flashes of universe intelligence cancelled by the chemical-energy mandates of the evolving race
  • the urge of angels opposed by the emotions of an animal
  • the training of an intellect annulled by the tendencies of instinct
  • the experience of the individual opposed by the accumulated propensities of the race
  • the aims of the best overshadowed by the drift of the worst
  • the flight of genius neutralized by the gravity of mediocrity
  • the progress of the good retarded by the inertia of the bad
  • the art of the beautiful besmirched by the presence of evil
  • the buoyancy of health neutralized by the debility of disease
  • the fountain of faith polluted by the poisons of fear
  • the spring of joy embittered by the waters of sorrow
  • the gladness of anticipation disillusioned by the bitterness of realization; 
  • the joys of living ever threatened by the sorrows of death
Such a life on such a planet! And yet, because of the ever-present help and urge of the Thought Adjuster, this soul did achieve a fair degree of happiness and success and has even now ascended to the judgment halls of mansonia.”

103:9.7 Faith most willingly carries reason along as far as reason can go and then goes on with wisdom to the full philosophic limit; and then it dares to launch out upon the limitless and never-ending universe journey in the sole company of TRUTH.

Here is that list, again, in the order presented, of the positive virtues of true character:
  • the urge of ambition,
  • the ideals of a superior people,
  • the high purposes of a great mind,
  • the long-distance view of a far-seeing Monitor,
  • the progressive plans of an ascending being,
  • the flashes of universe intelligence,
  • the urge of angels,
  • the training of an intellect,
  • the experience of the individual,
  • the aims of the best,
  • flight of genius,
  • progress of the good,
  • art of the beautiful,
  • buoyancy of health,
  • fountain of faith,
  • spring of joy,
  • gladness of anticipation,
  • joys of living.
  • How many true character virtues in the above list are you tirelessly working to develop to full maturity -- the full maturity of your morontial soul?
  • How many true character virtues in the above list are you "aspiring" to become--to be more and do more?

MIND - I am focused and capable of greatness!
BODY - I am healthy and will take care of myself!
SPIRIT - God is my ground and center!

How to Aspire to Attain to the Virtues of True Character

The above list of true character virtues versus negative character deficiency traits begs the question:
  • How many of the virtues of true character in the above list are you aspiring to attain to and manifest as your own "true character?"
You may, in fact and in deed, aspire to all of them. Were you to choose to make the effort to daily and frequently repeat each of the following "I am" declarations until you have memorized and internalize them, you would soon realize that you are creating within your body-mind-soul-spirit contact "room to grow."

Such a great effort as is required to memorize and internalize this list is an investment into your own ascension through the seven psychic circles of experiential self-mastery to complete the requirements of all seven and manifest "true character."
  • I am aspiring to ambition that is "fully socialized."
  • I am aspiring to live up to the highest ideals of truth, beauty and goodness.
  • I am aspiring to attain to a great mind with highest purposes of living.
  • I am aspiring to the "long distance view" of my indwelling Thought Adjuster.
  • I am putting into action the progressive plans of an ascending being.
  • Without restriction, I am open to receiving flashes of universe intelligence.
  • I aspire to experience the "urge of angels."
  • I am ever-momentarily training my intellect for greater discernment of my Father's will.
  • I am aspiring to the "full range" of life experiences necessary to become the mature morontia soul.
  • I am ever-aspiring to the "aims of the best."
  • I am ever-momentarily open to "flights of genius."
  • I ever aspire to the "progress of the good."
  • I am aspiring to become the "living art of the beautiful."
  • In my daily habits of living and eating, I am aspiring and supporting the "buoyancy of health."
  • I am ever-momentarily aspiring to become the "living fountain of faith."
  • I am ever open to and receiving the "spring of joy" that comes from my honestly sincere cooperation with my indwelling divine partner and in the service of my fellow ascenders.
  • I ever daily experience the "gladness of anticipation" that comes from the opportunities to "be more" and "do more."
  • I am ever-momentarily experiencing the "joys of living" in the "peace that surpasses understanding."

How to Devolve into a Life of Ill Health, Misery, Suffering and Premature Cessation of the Bio-suit

The above list of true character virtues versus negative character deficiency traits begs the question:
  • How many negative character deficiency traits are there to which you are still clinging?
The great masses of the hue-man children of God have fewer aspirations to experientially attain to the virtues of true character in the above list.

The following list then represents the "downward spiral," the descent into fear, evil, sin, wickedness and insanity:
  • animal indolence,
  • the instincts of an inferior race,
  • the urge of a primitive inheritance,
  • the nearsightedness of a creature of time,
  • the desires and longings of a material nature,
  • the chemical-energy mandates of the evolving race,
  • the emotions of an animal,
  • the tendencies of instinct,
  • the accumulated propensities of the race,
  • the drift of the worst,
  • the gravity of mediocrity,
  • the inertia of the bad,
  • the presence of evil,
  • the debility of disease,
  • the poisons of fear,
  • the waters of sorrow,
  • the bitterness of realization,
  • the sorrows of death.

Realize...really let it sink in...that the above list is only a partial listing of the "deficiencies of character" exhibited by the hue-man races of Urantia.

And every one of the "character deficiencies" listed above, including all others, are the "virtual shadows of the real" "true character" you are destined to sometime become.
  • But then...like others that I know...are you simply so lacking in "living faith" that you have given up on ever filling in your "character deficiencies" with the "living faith virtues of true character?"
  • Well...isn't it far easier, requiring far less effort in thinking through these challenges of "character building," as well as the even greater effort of "inviting in" your divine spirit partner to lead you into the "project of YOU?"
Even the following prepositional phrases the writer uses have great significance. Consider and meditate upon how these meanings pertain to your own "character deficiencies:"
  • opposed by,
  • crossed by,
  • antagonized by,
  • counteracted by,
  • modified by,
  • cancelled by,
  • annulled by,
  • overshadowed by,
  • neutralized by,
  • retarded by,
  • besmirched by,
  • polluted by,
  • embittered by,
  • disillusioned by,
  • threatened by.
You ought to take each one of these prepositional phrases and and structure a question to yourself, in the following way:
  • What "character deficiency" am I, my true soul-conscious self, opposed by?
  • By what "character deficiency" am I, my true soul-conscious self, crossed by?
And so on, going through list, one by one. 
  • What is the "character deficiency" that comes into your mind's-eye-focus, as you ask yourself these questions. 
Once you have completed the list, go back to the "downward spiral" list, above, and compare your answers. 

Understand that this is not "self-analysis," but rather your sincerely honest assessment of the character deficiencies which are holding you back--preventing you from attaining to the acme of mortal-morontial-spiritual unity-achievement and self-realization--self-mastery--true character.

I will only and ever share with you, and suggest you do some activity or exercise, which I, myself, am already doing. I "walk my talk."

27:7.5  Worship is the highest joy of Paradise existence; it is the refreshing play of Paradise.

I Am Well - I Am Always Well in Spirit, Mind and Body

  • What is "true worship" of our Paradise Father, if not  wholehearted dedication to aligning your hue-man will with Father's will?
  • But what does it mean to "wholeheartedly align" your will with Father's will?
In 1979, I slowly learned the value of "auto-suggestion" (self-hypnosis) in overcoming a four to six packs per day of non filter cigarettes smoking habit.

This required of me (I acknowledged how difficult it would be) one of the greatest efforts in "focused inner envisioning" of the truer character person I desired to become.

Today, I am ever-momentarily "inner envisioning" the person I desire to become. And the effort and focus required to attain to the realization of this "inner picture of true character" is greater than all other past efforts combined.

Why Are YOU Limiting YOURSELF?

Several years ago when I first found the above meme..."The boundaries are imaginary. The rules are made up. The limits don't exist," I was impressed by three thoughts:
  1. It is a profound meme so simply stated that a child can understand it.
  2. The author had the humility to offer it without adding his name to it.
  3. The meme matches my highest concepts of "true character."
When this physical-energy-system is born into the world of hue-manimal existence, it is immediately programmed with limits; the body's neural network is programmed with every rule imaginable and unimaginable.

But time and experience teaches you that you have been "falsely programmed." You come to perceive that it is far more desirable to "let go" of this false intellectual scaffolding than it is to keep hanging onto it. You recognize clearly that...
  • You cannot take this false intellectual beLIEf system with you when you transition to the Mansion World educational and socialization system.
  • You further perceive that hanging onto it is a continual downhill slide; the limitations of living within this false intellectual beLIEf system is...self-defeating...
Your indwelling Thought Adjuster is simultaneously reaching downward and outward as you are reaching inward and upward to...become one...one fully matured and wholly mortal-morontial conscious soul and indwelling divine spirit perfectly unified with personality; the Thought Adjuster is you and you are the Thought Adjuster expressing as the new universe creature with a new universe name and registered identity.

And this was made possible because your "living faith-connection" to Father's will and your persistent sincere cooperation with his indwelling divine spirit removed all boundaries, by recognizing that the rules were made up and there are no limits to what is possible when spirit achieves supreme domination over mind and matter.

The Furry Little Engine that Could...

Now, that you have watched this short video clip, envision yourself as that furry little engine that could. Your climb to the top is to true character attainment--to the fully conscious and fully matured morontia soul.

It is a steep climb; your indwelling Thought Adjuster is waiting for you, and like the mama bear waiting for her cub, just the "faith-knowing" of the great adventure that awaits you just beyond the steep mountain side is enough to spur you on, no matter how many times you slide back down.

Your determination, in fact, is so great that after many attempts, your self-confidence increases so dramatically that you "know" that one more attempt is going to be successful.

"Allow" yourself to be like the "furry little engine that could," and did make it to the top--the acme of hue-man achievement of self-mastery over thought-emotion and your hue-man tongue--the earthly manifestation of true character expression of the fully self-conscious morontia soul and the indwelling Thought Adjuster expressing through your personality in the unity of your physical, mental and spiritual powers for serving fellow children of God.

If someone tells you "you can't" they're showing you THEIR limits. NOT YOURS


  • I am well.
  • I am buoyantly healthy.
  • I am vibrantly alive.
  • I am wealthy and spiritually rich in every way that matters.
  • I am increasingly gifted with experiential wisdom.
  • It is my will that your will be done, Father, now and forevermore.
  • I am the mind of perfect poise.
  • I am housed in a body of clean habits, and clear and pure thinking.
  • I am stabilized in neural energies.
  • I am balanced in chemical function.
  • I am ever-momentarily transferring all mortal experiential meanings and values into the unifying whole.
  • I am ever-momentarily unifying the physical, mental, and spiritual powers with the "I am that I am" personality. 
  • I am ever-momentarily giving you, my indwelling divine partner and Thought Controller, my most honest, sincere, and dedicated cooperation in attaining to "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."

The freest individual child of God on Urantia is the one who no longer has anything to hide. 

I Am Well - I Am Always Well in Spirit, Mind and Body

When you "dare to declare" that  you are well--always well in spirit, mind and body, saying this declaration, daily, and even often, to yourself, and to everyone around you when asked "how are you?," soon, very soon it will come from the heart, in increasing honesty and sincerity. 

You will, perhaps, slowly but surely, or even speedily ascend beyond your self-imposed limits of beLIEf into the "living faith-knowing" of the truth of your words.

A friend on Facebook reminded me of a Gregg Braden video, which I saw some time ago. It seems most appropriate to include it, here.




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