33- When You "Allow" Fusion to Become YOUR Spiritual Reality

when you allow fusion to become your spiritual reality

When YOU "Allow" Fusion to Become 

YOUR Spiritual Reality

Again, consider and meditate upon the deeper and truer meaning of the very 1st  and the  last of the 28 principles in Paper 48. - The Morontia Life, in The Urantia Book.

1. "A display of specialized skills does not signify spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character."

28. "The argumentative defense of any proposition is inversely proportional to the truth contained."

The 1st and the last of the 28 principles of high mortal philosophy form a complete circle.
  • Why do they form a complete circle?
The 1st principle is the exhortation to develop increasingly greater spiritual capacity through the evolutionary and experiential to attain to increasingly greater "true character."

The 28th principle is the "reality of attainment to true character." 
  • Why, you may ask?
In principle 28 we perceive that the child of God has "mastered" her and his tongue. He and she speaks, not only through the compassion of the heart and the perfect poise of mind, but also in "true character alignment" with the will of God, as He is resident as the Thought Adjuster indwelling the mind.

Therefore, within each of the seven psychic circles, there are four (4) fundamental principles to be mastered. All 28 principles must be mastered to complete one's circles. 

Yet, the mastery of the circles is not equal to Adjuster Fusion. We are told that...

110:7.1 The achievement of the seven cosmic circles does not equal Adjuster fusion. There are many mortals living on Urantia who have attained their circles; but fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime spiritual achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster.

"Fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God." And it is the intent and goal of this article to explore those "sublime achievements" and "a final and complete attunement."

Life is such a great Teacher. When you don't learn a lesson, life keeps REPEATING it.

The Art of Becoming More Real in the Universe...

196:3.31 In the realm of religious experience, spiritual possibility is potential reality. Man's forward spiritual urge is not a psychic illusion. All of man's universe romancing may not be fact, but much, very much, is truth.

If man's "forward spiritual urge is not a psychic illusion," and the truth of the "living faith" connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit presence is equivalent to the evolving manifestation (potentialities becoming realities) of the virtues of "true character," then, ask yourself...

Are we herein describing "spiritual alchemy?"

Are we describing the magical, (beyond scientifically proving) the beyond description process whereby the Thought Adjuster is weaving the evolving morontial soul into becoming a "cosmic reality?"

  • How exactly does "spiritual possibility" translate into "morontial and spiritual actuality?"
  • When does "spiritual possibility" translate into "morontial and spiritual actuality?"
  • How far along in the evolution of the morontia soul do you have to be to become "soul-conscious," "super conscious," "morontia-conscious?"
  • And what specifics are involved in this evolutionary and spiritually "alchemical" self-transformation from the "stimulus-response" "robotic" hue-man into the "soul-conscious," "morontia-conscious" REAL YOU?

I look back over the decades of my experiences to know that my "walk" did not always align with my "talk."

TRUTH does not mind being questioned. A LIE does not like being challenged.

ALL BeLIEfs, at Their Core, are "Distortions of the Truth"

The individual child of God must "allow" himself and herself to move beyond the beLIEf level of "mere conceptualization" (intellectualization) and evolve into the "superconscious" reality of the indwelling Thought Adjuster's and the evolving morontial soul's increasing dominance over mortal mind and the associated physiological energy-system of temporary habitation. 

And concomitantly (along with), the individual child of God must also "allow" the becoming of the person who is love-motivated to be ready to respond to any and all opportunities to unselfishly serve in the smallest capacity as well as the greatest capacity.

One must do something as well as be something more than a "mere robotic hue-man" programmed to respond automatically and mostly subconsciously to "stimulus-response" (thought-emotion-reaction-action without any effort in really thinking through why one behaves automatically in predictable ways.)

What you "allow" yourself to "grow beyond" you don't just become--YOU ARE the evolving "I am" unity of physical-energy system, material mind, morontia soul, and the Thought Adjuster--YOU ARE the personality "conduit" for the will of the Paradise Father within YOU.

And so I ask you to consider...

  • What logical sense does it make to wait until you are perfect to "allow" translation/fusion with Father's indwelling divine spirit -- The Thought Adjuster -- to become YOUR reality, when "allowing" translation/fusion, before you attain to inner perfection of true character, is the clear and unequivocal path to attain to the inner equipoise--the inner balance--the inner perfection of true character wherein fusion IS a reality?

What YOUR Thought Adjuster Would Love to Do for YOU!

108:5:8  The Thought Adjusters would like to change your feelings of fear to convictions of love and confidence; but they cannot mechanically and arbitrarily do such things; that is your task.  (1192.3)

"I just woke up one day and decided I didn't want to feel like this, anymore, or ever again.

So, I changed.

I had lots of excuses for not being able to change, but at the end of the day, they were excuses.

Being able to change starts with:

YOUR Decision to Change."

How Many of YOUR Decisions are Rooted in Fear?

It may not seem as though you are, but YOU are ever-momentarily "decisioning." You are ever-momentarily deciding whether you are...

  • fear-reacting or fearlessly acting,
  • tired or energetic,
  • well or sick,
  • impatient or patient,
  • defensive or accepting,
  • indifference or caring,
  • angry or joyful,
  • conceited pride or sincere humility,
  • unbridled sexual attractions and addictions or personality attraction to Father's indwelling divine spirit,
  • willful self-assertion or aligning your will with Father's will?

The Great Challenge We ALL Face

  • What is the great challenge we all face? 
Face your weaknesses of character and choose to grow into those virtues of character which supplant the weaknesses of character, or continue on the path of self-destruction until death parts you from your self-afflicting life of fear, lack of true character, tragedy after tragedy and premature death. 

Such a life of "spiritual cowardice" on such a primitive world as Urantia, I choose to leave behind, now, not later on the Mansion Worlds. 

What are YOU choosing?

156:5.11  "You are destined to live a narrow and mean life if you learn to love only those who love you." 

A Life of Love Transcends ALL Fear

  • Do you love fellow children of God?

You tell yourself that you love others. 

  • How often do you find yourself in disagreement with fellow children of God?
  • Are you often like a "pit bull" that grabs hold and won't let go when you think another is not entitled to a different point of view?
  • Are you unwilling to admit when you are "straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel?"
  • Are you even self-aware enough to know when you are behaving in such an immature way with others?
  • Are you "selective" in who you view as the "children of God?"
  • Are the "children of God" only those with whom you find intellectual uniformity of beLIEf?
  • Are you "talking your walk" more so than "walking your talk?"

It is far easier to love those "select few" whose beLIEfs match your own than it is to love those whose beLIEfs are radically different from yours.

103:9.10  Through truth man attains beauty and by spiritual love ascends to goodness.

And this attainment to "living truth, beauty and goodness" is the equivalent of the attainment to "true character."

What Does It Take?

What does it take to change yourself from a person who loves only those that...
  • think like you, 
  • beLIEve like you,
  • act like you,
  • dress like you, and 
  • smell like you?

”Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”— Leo Tolstoy

 “Mental Poisons” and "Moral Infirmities" 

110:1.5 The Adjuster remains with you in all disaster and through every sickness which does not wholly destroy the mentality. But how unkind knowingly to defile or otherwise deliberately to pollute the physical body, which must serve as the earthly tabernacle of this marvelous gift from God. All physical poisons greatly retard the efforts of the Adjuster to exalt the material mind, while the mental poisons of 

    • fear, 
    • anger, 
    • envy, 
    • jealousy, 
    • suspicion, and 
    • intolerance 
likewise tremendously interfere with the spiritual progress of the evolving soul."

Fear, anger, envy, jealousy, suspicion and intolerance all lead to hatefulness--hatred of everything and everyone that does not intellectually conform to your own beLIEf system.

Change how you see and see how you change. -Zen Proverb

Fusion is the Making of Man and God into One

So, let us once again return to the "Great Goal of Hue-man Existence."

The Great Goal of Hue-manimal Existence

It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

  • How can YOU ever hope to attain to "true character" manifestation before cessation of the physical-energy-bio-suit without letting go of ALL beLIEfs which are nothing more than programmed useless scaffolding YOU cannot take with YOU into the re-personalized morontia body-mind experience?
  • How can YOU ever hope to attain to "true character" manifestation before cessation of the physical-energy-bio-suit when YOU keep feeding YOUR mind with the mental poisons of "fear, anger, envy, jealousy, suspicion, and intolerance," which concomitantly translate into the poisoning of the sacred temple of the body with impure water, fast foods, store bought manufactured foods, meats, poultry, pork, fish, cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, street drugs, and prescription drugs?
  • How can YOU ever hope to attain to "sublime" level of Adjuster "one-ness" of the physical, mental, morontial and the spiritual when YOU are so self-asserting you are constantly "doing it YOUR way," regardless of the consequences of the degradation of YOUR health of both mind and body?
  • Have YOU ever looked YOURSELF in the mirror and with the greatest honesty and sincerity asked yourself why you daily poison your mind and body without ever challenging yourself to stop your so self-assertively, unkindly, knowingly, and even "deliberately" poisoning YOUR physical body "which must serve as the earthly tabernacle of this marvelous gift from God?
  • How is it that YOU do not yet understand that you cannot have it both ways--have YOUR cake and eat, too, without suffering the inevitable consequences of YOUR actions?

103:2.5  The psychology of a child is naturally positive, not negative. So many mortals are negative because they were so trained. 

3:5.16  Mortal man earns even his status as an ascension candidate by his own faith and hope.

Everything divine which the human mind grasps and the human soul acquires is an experiential attainment; it is a reality of personal experience and is therefore a unique possession in contrast to the inherent goodness and righteousness of the inerrant personalities of Havona.

I know, from experience, that not one in ten million children of God will ever dare to declare the following. And yet, it is exactly in the "I am" declaring, working in the most honestly sincere and decisive daring to speak to YOUR indwelling Thought Adjuster as YOUR divine partner that the greatest enlargement of spiritual capacity and most direct path to the attainment of True Character is experienced.

  • It is my will that your will be done, Father, now and forevermore.
  • I am the mind of perfect poise.
  • I am housed in a body of clean habits, and clear and pure thinking.
  • I am stabilized in neural energies.
  • I am balanced in chemical function.
  • I am ever-momentarily transferring all mortal experiential meanings and values into the unifying whole.
  • I am ever-momentarily unifying the physical, mental, and spiritual powers with the "I am that I am" personality. 
  • I am ever-momentarily giving you, my indwelling divine partner and Thought Controller, my most honest, sincere, and dedicated cooperation in attaining to "supremacy of spirit domination over mind and matter."

The freest individual child of God on Urantia is the one who no longer has anything to hide. 

"The argumentative defense of any proposition is inversely proportional to the truth contained."

These two statements are one and the same in meaning. 

Every "character deficiency" is a black hole that emits no light. Every "virtue of true character" is a blazing sun that emits light both inwardly and outwardly, wherein the path forward to Adjuster fusion is made "crystal clear."



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