39 - The Final Phase... Losing Your Illusion and Embracing Spiritual Reality
the final phase The Final Phase... Losing Your Illusion and Embracing Spiritual Reality The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change, and we must move ever forward or the soul will wither and die. -Susanna Kearsley Mind Control is Mind Control, Regardless of the Source and Techniques Used... It is a verifiable fact that "mind control did not stop after the late 1960s." In fact, it is ignorant to not perceive that mind control has been used on the general masses of the hue-man children of God, ever first we stood upright in the knowing that we were "something more" than "mere animal." The "Orgy of Death" is Still Alive, Today It is very likely that Lucifer authorized Caligastia, Daligastia, Satan and the fallen visible staff to use any and all means to try to speed up the evolution of the hue-man races, in order to prove he was right in his be LIE f that immortality was inherent, not a gift of his ...