The Eyes Are Truly the Windows of the Spirit-born Soul

 the eyes are truly the windows of the spirit-born soul

The Eyes Are Truly the 

Windows of the Spirit-born Soul

The "Spark of Life" the "Life-force" within You

Consider that the original "spark of life" has been continuously transmitted to every creature that has ever evolved into being, since the Life Carriers acted as the conduit for the very first transmittal of the "spark of life." 

Within this spark of life is mind--natural mind.

The Choice to Embrace Higher Truth

Within the hue-manimal physiological energy-system lies the potential for making a choice of embracing higher truth, beauty and goodness.

With making this first choice within the natural neurological-natural mind connection, the individual is contacting the Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom.

Reception of the Thought Adjuster and Personality

The individual also instantaneously receives Father's gift of personality and his gift of the Thought Adjuster.

This first inward and upward grasp within the individual generates the first raw morontial energy, with which the Thought Adjuster begins weaving the morontial soul into existence--decision by decision and sincerity upon deeper sincerity levels attained through struggles with truth-meanings in relationships with one's fellow children of God.

The Paradise Father's Bestowal of Spiritual Gifts

Further consider the following:

0:5.5 The Universal Father is the secret of the reality of personality, the bestowal of personality, and the destiny of personality. The Eternal Son is the absolute personality, the secret of spiritual energy, morontia spirits, and perfected spirits. The Conjoint Actor is the spirit-mind personality, the source of intelligence, reason, and the universal mind. But the Isle of Paradise is nonpersonal and extraspiritual, being the essence of the universal body, the source and center of physical matter, and the absolute master pattern of universal material reality.

0:5.6 These qualities of universal reality are manifest in Urantian human experience on the following levels:

1. Body. The material or physical organism of man. The living electrochemical mechanism of animal nature and origin.

2. Mind. The thinking, perceiving, and feeling mechanism of the human organism. The total conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with the emotional life reaching upward through worship and wisdom to the spirit level.

3. Spirit. The divine spirit that indwells the mind of man—the Thought Adjuster. This immortal spirit is prepersonal— not a personality, though destined to become a part of the personality of the surviving mortal creature.

4. Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to "do the will of the Father in heaven," so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual—it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

Personality. The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The personality is the unique bestowal which the Universal Father makes upon the living and associated energies of matter, mind, and spirit, and which survives with the survival of the morontial soul.

0:5.12 Morontia is a term designating a vast level intervening between the material and the spiritual. It may designate personal or impersonal realities, living or nonliving energies. The warp of morontia is spiritual; its woof is physical.

The Eyes are Truly the Windows of the Spirit-born Soul: True Character

The above passages from The Urantia Book could not be clearer in meaning. The only possible reason they would not be clear to the hue-man mind is that the reader is lost in the metaphysical and is closed to advanced truth-meanings

And so, with each release of more raw morontial energy, mortal identity is being transferred into the soul. The soul is acquiring true character. And the eyes are truly the windows of the spirit-born soul.

Manifesting True Character

  • How can the individual manifest true character outwardly to other children of God on Urantia without being soul-conscious?

Whether or not soul-consciousness begins with the first moral decision of the individual child of God, it certainly represents the breakthrough from the dead center of hue-manimal conscious into "God-consciousness." 

In my perception God-consciousness is...soul-consciousness...the "consciousness of being conscious" which is an instantaneous experience with the instantaneous arrival of contact with the morontial Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom, and the instantaneous reception of the gift of personality and the Thought Adjuster. And again, ask yourself: 

  • How can you break through into God-consciousness without simultaneously experiencing a moment of morontial soul-conscious insight?

From my is not possible.

Consider the deepest possible meaning within just these two quotes from the Urantia Book:

76:2.8 Cain's life in Mesopotamia had not been exactly happy since he was in such a peculiar way symbolic of the default. It was not that his associates were unkind to him, but he had not been unaware of their subconscious resentment of his presence. But Cain knew that, since he bore no tribal mark, he would be killed by the first neighboring tribesmen who might chance to meet him. Fear, and some remorse, led him to repent. Cain had never been indwelt by an Adjuster, had always been defiant of the family discipline and disdainful of his father's religion. But he now went to Eve, his mother, and asked for spiritual help and guidance, and when he honestly sought divine assistance, an Adjuster indwelt him

And this Adjuster, dwelling within and looking outgave Cain a distinct advantage of superiority which classed him with the greatly feared tribe of Adam.

It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

As the newly evolving morontial soul grows in self-conscious identity of being mortal, morontial and divine, the choosing of the personality to unify all three into one new universe creature, (from my perception) means that the Thought Adjuster is becoming you and you are becoming the Thought Adjuster. You are acquiring through experience--the "lessons of life" a truer and truer character you are manifesting to those  with whom you have personal relationships; the eyes are truly the windows of the spirit-born soul.

Thereby, within this evolving spiritual unification and unity, the mortal-morontial mind is continuously augmented by the Thought Adjuster and you looking outward into the world through the same unified morontial and spiritual combined mind and  simultaneously through mortal eyes, and acting accordingly upon this combined will of mortal man, morontial angel and God; you are acting upon your "light of truth."

The eyes are truly the windows of the "spirit-born" soul.

I would here again mention the four (4) simple, yet challenging steps to living a "practical philosophy" leading to the attainment of self-mastery (the indwelling spirit's domination over mind and matter.)

1. Self-correction.

2. Self-discipline.

3. Self-direction (ever to spirit-leading)

4. Self-mastery.

Read my article on A Sound and Practical Philosophy of Living.



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