The Still Small Voice | Far More than You Know

 the still small voice

The Still Small Voice  

Far More than You Know

God was not found in the wind. God was not found in the earthquake. God was not found in the fire. God was found in a still, small voice.

Every Possible Interpretation Except the Correct One? 

There are likely a multitude of traditional interpretations of what "the still small voice" is.

Perhaps many will say it is nothing more than "self-talk." Some many others will say it is the "conscience." Yet, many other will readily assign the "still small voice" to God.

There are yet many others lost in so-called supernatural and metaphysical phenomena, who beLIEve they are receiving real time transmissions from God, ascended masters, archangels, Melchizedeks, ghosts, and on and on. 

In times past, I would engage others from the religious community to cult adherents, in an attempt to offer an alternative view. I no longer do this.

I discovered it is better to give advice (of any kind) only when it is asked for. 

But what I do attempt to do, hopefully getting better at it with practice, and over time, is to whet the appetite of another for greater truth. 

Whereas in times past I was quick to judge...observation has become my all-important teacher.

It also seems much wiser to ignore all voices I may chance to hear. So, I give no importance to the inner ramblings of the subconscious floating to the surface.

Transmissions have never commanded my attention.

I clearly distinguish my conscience, also clearly discerning my soul-consciousness as being distinct from the mortal level of consciousness. 

In my observations of fellow beings there appears to be great confusion regarding "the still small voice." And perhaps the majority of interpretations represent every possible interpretation except the correct one.

That "Inner Knowing" 

There is, however, an "inner knowing" about which I would elaborate.

Perhaps, it may also be accurate to say that often when the individual child of God experiences an "inner knowing," it is the propensity of the hue-manimal nature to pollute this experience with self-talk.

Epigenetics recognizes that the subconscious is a far more vast reservoir of genetically inherited and experientially acquired knowledge than was previously understood

What is a Thought Adjuster?

What follows, now, is an interpretation with which you may not be familiar or perhaps have ever encountered.

108:6.1 (1192.6) "It is indeed a marvel of divine condescension for the exalted and perfect Adjusters to offer themselves for actual existence in the minds of material creatures, such as the mortals of Urantia, really to consummate a **probationary union** with the animal-origin beings of earth." 


107:0.6 (1176.6) "The Adjuster is an absolute essence of an infinite being imprisoned within the mind of a finite creature which, depending on the choosing of such a mortal, can eventually consummate this **temporary union of God and man** and veritably actualize a new order of being for unending universe service. The Adjuster is the divine universe reality which factualizes the truth that God is man’s Father. The Adjuster is man’s infallible cosmic compass, always and unerringly pointing the soul Godward."
Much can be gleaned from these two passages from Papers 107 and 108 in The Urantia Book.

Understand that in the first passage where it says..."It is indeed a marvel of divine condescension...the word condescension may be understand as "to descend to a less formal or dignified level."

In the second passage...we learn what Thought Adjusters are. "The Adjuster is an absolute essence of an infinite being." And that infinite being is the never-beginning, never-ending Absolute God, whose dwelling place is called Paradise. 

His residence, Paradise, is geographically located at the center of his Universe of universes. Paradise is beyond time and space and is the universal controller of physical gravity. 

Our Paradise Father may endlessly divide Himself in ways wholly beyond the hue-man imagination. One of these ways is in the creation of the Thought Adjusters. They come from his Person; they are of his personal being; they are Him. 

Indwelling the Hue-man Mind

The moment a moral decision is made by the hue-manimal creature (choosing good over evil--unselfishness over selfishness), a divine Thought Adjuster is dispatched from it home training world of Divinington, instantaneously crossing time and space to indwell that hue-man mind.

This Thought Adjuster (thought-influencing) spirit of God brings with him a divine blueprint for the spiritualizing of the mortal of his indwelling. 
(193:2.2) "...the Father requires that you grow up, by grace, to the full stature of spiritual adulthood."

 We also understand that this is a "temporary union of god and man." This is to say that the path to immortality--from hue-man animal to angel to god--is temporary until the mortal being freely chooses to make it permanent.

If the mortal fails to choose to make a "living connection" with the will of God within his and her mind...that mortal dies as does the animals of the Earth (Urantia). There is no resurrection from this type of death.

But those who make this "born again" connection, and maintain it, are growing a soul of immortal potentiality. This soul is destined to attain full spiritual adulthood. 

And whether this full spiritual adulthood is attained, here, or on the Mansion Training worlds, the spiritual destination is fusion with this indwelling divine Thought Adjuster. Thus, the transition from hue-manimal to angel to god is effected and complete--transitioning from mortality to immortality.

The Still Small Voice

While almost the whole of what mortals beLIEve to be the voice of a higher being is only the voice of their own conscience, the close to spiritual adulthood the individual approaches, the greater the possibility of actually hearing the  voice of the divine Adjuster as a "thin whisper." This, in actuality, would be the "still small voice" of God calling out from within the hue-man mind.

The Spiritual Blueprint

The blueprint for spiritualizing a mortal child of God, which the Thought Adjuster brings with him, is uniquely tailored for each individual, there is a generalized blueprint to be found, time and again, in the pages of The Urantia Book. And this blueprint may be summarized as...

110:6.4 "Lack of spiritual capacity makes it very difficult to transmit to such a material intellect the spiritual truths resident in the higher superconsciousness. It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first."

 The content of this passage provokes several major questions.
  • What is "the mind of perfect poise?"
  • What is meant by a "body of clean habits?"
  • What is meant by "stabilized neural energies?"
  • What is meant by "balanced chemical function?"
  • What is meant by "when the physical, mental and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development."
  • What is the "maximum of light" which can be safely received into the mind without damaging or destroying it?
When the individual child of God elects to embrace the divine blueprint of the indwelling Thought Adjuster, the transmutation from mortal to angel to god occurs before death overtakes the mortal physiological body.  
148:6.10 [Jesus:] "...While the speech of God spoken from the whirlwind was a majestic concept for the day of its utterance, you have already learned that the Father does not thus reveal himself, but rather that he speaks within the human heart as a still, small voice, saying, ‘This is the way; walk therein.’ Do you not comprehend that God dwells within you, that he has become what you are that he may make you what he is!
Such advanced mortals disappear in metaphorical "chariots of fire." In actuality, the angelic mortal reaching spiritual adulthood is ready to emerge from its mortal womb mind cocoon, just a butterfly emerges from its cocoon. And such an emergence is called...translation-fusion into a new universe creature--the spiritualized child of God and onetime hue-manimal of mortal origin.




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