The Kingdom of Heaven is within You | What Does this Really Mean?
the kingdom of heaven is within you
The Kingdom of Heaven is within You
What Does this Really Mean?
195:10.4 “The kingdom of God is within you” was probably the greatest pronouncement Jesus ever made, next to the declaration that his Father is a living and loving spirit.
Looking for the "Kingdom of Heaven" in All the Wrong Places
...this or that event has to happen before the kingdom of heaven will appear...
When an individual's mistaken view and false expectation is that the only way to experience the "kingdom of heaven" is its outward appearance on Earth, such a one will never experience it in this lifetime. Such an era of "light and life" is a long way off from our present barbarism and primitive level of understanding of what it takes to achieve "heaven on Earth."
The "era of light and life" on any evolutionary planet does not "magically appear." .
Why is "The Kingdom of Heaven within" such an "Alien Concept?
Perhaps another valid question follows.
To what are you...fear-enslaved?
Based on outward observations of others over many decades, it appears as though every individual is..."self-imprisoned" to, not just one, but many fear-enslaving beLIEf systems.
- If fear binds you to any beLIEf system, you are in an invisible prison of your own making. The beLIEf system is the walls of the mental prison; fear is the invisible bars that keep you there.
- If you spend anytime whatsoever in front of Tell-LIES-Vision, you are enslaved to and feeding falsehoods into your brain-mind connection.
- If you wallow in self-pity over past and current experiences, you are enslaved to false emotions; these false emotions are your master.
- If you are anxious about the past, present and future, you are fear-bound and paralyzed by those false emotions.
BeLIEf is not Faith
48:7.4 2. Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.
BeLIEf ever fixates, binds and builds self-imprisoning walls within the brain-to-mind connection.
Faith is the means by which the soul is ever liberated, expands, grows and evolves into far more than the "mere sum of the parts."
The body-brain-to-mind connection which is fixated to beLIEfs degenerates--sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly over time, because every individual body-brain-to-mind connection is unique and manifests uniquely.
The Cure
The cure is simple. But this fear-beLIEf-bound body-brain-to-mind connection is subtly and easily deceived into complexifying the simple answer to a point of self-delusion.
The deluded state perceives health as something beyond one's control. Therefore, control of one's health must be give to so-called professionals. And by this false perception, the individual is at the mercy of the false god to whom he and she has given absolute control.
- The first cure must take place in the mind. You must "change your perception of you are in relationship to body, mind, soul and spirit.
- The second is to stop eating trash food and dead foods, which, while they may taste good...are good for nothing but to poison your body.
- The third is to realize that plants (vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs) contain living properties that provide the body the nutrition it needs to heal itself and be immune strong.
- The fourth is to realize that all synthetic chemicals derived from plants are poisons, which are called "drugs--pharmaceuticals," make the big pharmaceutical companies richer and richer, while they (in poisoning your body) make you weaker and weaker, until you manifest a dis-ease and die prematurely.
- I am well.
- I am healthy.
- I am vibrantly alive.
- I am immune strong.