The Kingdom Belongs to Such as These | What Does this Mean?

 the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

The Kingdom Belongs to Such as These

What Does this Mean?

"Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

Let Me Introduce You to the Word "Allow"

In my conversations with other children of God, I frequently offer up the concept of "allowing."

"Allowing" has become all-important to me in my present life-path progression.

So, let us look at a simple variation of the definition of the verb "to allow."

  • Expansion of an existing framework of beLIEfs.

What expansion? What framework? What beLIEfs?

The "Old Way" Versus the "New Way"

Carefully consider (meditate) upon the following passage..

143:2.4 "By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God."

What is the "old way?" The "old way" is to

  • suppress,

  • obey, and

  • conform to the rules of living.

The "old way" is the enemy of "allowing." So, the definition of "allowing" may be understood as "faith." And "faith" may be understood as "allowing," which is the expansion of the framework of beLIEf.

And this is why the word "allow" has become all-important in my usage of language, both inner with myself and outer with others.

A child naturally allows for any and all things to be possible--to be real--even when they may only be imagined. 

But the imagination is suppressed; the child is forced to obey and conform to the rules of living.

Then the child grows into adulthood. The imagination is no longer present, because the "framework of beLIEf" has become the prison for the mind. The bars of the prison (fear) are invisible. But to mind they are as real as steel bars of a material prison. Why? Because you are allowing fear to make them real.

The "Old Language" Versus the "New Language"

143:2.3 (1609.4)  “Verily, verily, I say to you, he who rules his own self is greater than he who captures a city. Self-mastery is the measure of man’s moral nature and the indicator of his spiritual development. In the old order you fasted and prayed; as the new creature of the rebirth of the spirit, you are taught to believe and rejoice. In the Father’s kingdom you are to become new creatures; old things are to pass away; behold I show you how all things are to become new. And by your love for one another you are to convince the world that you have passed from bondage to liberty, from death into life everlasting.
And as I have stated before... The path to self-mastery is broken down into four steps:

1. Self-correction.
2. Self-discipline/self-control.
3. Self-direction (directing one's will to our Father's will.)
4. Self-mastery (perfect poise.)

Each of these steps has to do with replacing habitually spoken "old language" with habitually spoken new language."

Old language belies character deficiencies--fear, anxiety, impatience, anger, conceit, arrogance, assuming, judgment, etc.

New language is--trust, inner peace, patience, understanding, reaching out in understanding, service to one's fellow children of God, humility, non-judgment, etc.

What you are, in reality, doing is "replacing character deficiencies with character virtues." 

And by this continual effort of changing your language you daily use, you are "allowing" yourself to grow into greater and greater body, mind, soul and spirit alignment--spiritual unity within.
The conquest of spirit over mind and matter is the "great goal of hue-man attainment." The conquest of self is doing the will of God.

To Change Directions

The resistance to change is great. It is also referred to as "inertia." 

A rocket launched into the dimension of outer space has to overcome great inertia to lift off the ground. But once it begins overcoming inertia, it is now a "body in motion." And it begins to attain greater and greater speed to reach its final destination.
"It requires a great and noble character, having started out wrong, to turn about and go right. All too often one's own mind tends to justify continuance in the path of error when once it is entered upon."

The Urantia Book, (184:2.12)
The growth of the potentially immortal soul is like a rocket overcoming inertia. 

It is far easier to continue in self-justification of one's programmed language--system of beLIEfs than to change one's language, thus, changing one's perception, and subsequently, changing one's beLIEfs. 

The process described above is like fueling a rocket. The building of a noble character is what awakens the soul to its full spiritual potential. And thus, the soul begins directing itself toward unity with the indwelling divine spirit of God. This is comparable (metaphorically) to the rocket overcoming inertia, gaining speed and reaching its final destination.

The kingdom belongs to such as these...



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