How You Create Your Own Reality | "Mere" Stimulus-Reaction?

 how you create your own reality

How You Create Your Own Reality  

"Mere" Stimulus-Reaction?

Where are YOU?

The majority of the children of God I have ever met, and continue to meet, have little to no clues as to who they really are, other than their birth-given name.

So, they mimic others around them. They mimic what others beLIEve. They mimic how other speak. They mimic how others dress and wear their hair. And they mimic what others eat and do in their daily lives.

Such mimicking behavior is further continually reinforced by sitting in front of Tell-LIES-Vision for hours on end and with their noses and eyeballs planted into their mobile phones.

The reality such mindless and unquestioning children of God have and are creating for themselves is...delusion.

The above description is the short version of how you create your own reality...delusional reality...virtual 3D reality...materialistic reality...Matrix in and day out.

Perhaps it may be accurately said that..."mimicry makes the world go round."

Fantasizing is the "sleeping dream" world of the "walking dead," the robotic level of every day hue-man beLIEf projection onto the outer world of forms.

And oh, how we love to fantasize!

Fantasizing, in an of itself is good. It's a necessary ability (imagination) in how you create your own reality.

Without the God-given ability to exercise our imaginations, there would be no forward progress of hue-man civilization.

The great challenge for the hue-man child of God, individually and collectively, has ever you create your own reality?

And are you creating your own reality as...self-assertion...godlessness...without aligning with God's will in your life?

Is what you are creating for your life path progression little more than mimicry?

If you cannot answer the question of "where am I" in my life path progression (in terms of the meaning and value of your hue-man existence in relationship to God and to his children on Earth (ALL of his children), then you are decidedly one of the mindless and clueless--a living robot which mimics everything seen and heard.

Who are YOU?

How you create your own reality will determine whether you only know that you are a child of God apart from ALL systems of beLIEf, or whether you only know that you are a child of God, because of your self-imprisoning systems of beLIEf.
At the level of mere beLIEf that you are a child of God, you beLIEve you are because of the group-held beLIEfs, and their cultural and religious practices which tell you this is so.

There is great security and great delusional thinking in "herd-think." And herd-think is not faith-knowing.

If you know, by faith, that you are a child of God, and have embraced the "master plan" of 
  1. self-correction of your negative and self-defeating character traits,
  2. self-discipline--self-control over your negative habits of thinking and reacting,
  3. self-directing back to our Paradise Father's indwelling divine spirit--the Thought Adjuster, and are striving for
  4. self-mastery--the conquest of the hue-manimal self through personality-choosing to unify the physical, mental and spiritual powers,
you are indeed a rare one.

This marks you as either subconsciously, consciously, and/or super consciously embracing the divine blueprint within your mind for growing your mortal evolutionary soul to spiritual adulthood.  

And if you are one of those rare birds who needs no one and no thing to know "who you are," I congratulate you. You are ascending the circles of self-mastery.

You are slowly but surely leaving the world of mere "stimulus-reaction" behind you. You are outside of the matrix of delusion, casting off every beLIEf, which has no survival value in the resurrected life on the Mansion Training worlds to come.



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