God Does Not Need Christianity to Exist! Neither Does Atheism!

God Does Not Need Christianity to Exist! 

Neither Does Atheism!

Before we get into this exploration of discovery of deep diving into new territory, it is necessary to define terminologies.

How Do You Define the Word "Christianity?"

Webster's Dictionary Definition of Christianity 
1: the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies
2: conformity to the Christian religion
3: the practice of Christianity 
First Known Use of Christianity
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

How Do You Define the Word "Atheism?" 

Definition of atheism 
1a: a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b: a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
2archaic : godlessness especially in conduct : UNGODLINESS, WICKEDNESS

What do you think? 

In your heart of hearts...in that place within you of greatest honesty and sincerity...do you really think the Creator of the Universe needs any outward display of religion to exist?

So much of what atheists pretend to beLIEve is based in secular science. Does God need secular science to exist? 

Let us be even more inclusive. So called philosophy, as it is taught, is also secular--godless. Does God need secular philosophy to exist?

Does God need mathematics to exist? Does he need art and music to exist?

Does God need his hue-manimal children on this planet, or any other, to exist? Does God need the Universe in order for him to exist?

So much of what Christianity beLIEves, teaches, and preaches is actually secular--godless.

A Religion About Jesus is NOT the Religion Jesus Lived and Taught

Christianity is very little about what Jesus of Nazareth taught and lived in demonstration and revelation that the heavenly Father of all is the God of Love.

Christianity is almost solely about 

  • the "risen Christ," 

  • the blood of Jesus atonement doctrine and 

  • salvation from so-called original sin in the garden of Eden--

  • Adam and Eve's transgression, 

  • water baptism,

  • speaking in tongues (for charismatics),

  • Lucifer, 

  • Satan,

  • heaven and hell,

  • and a beLIEf that Israel and Jews are the "chosen people" of God, 

  • including the beLIEf that the Bible is the "absolute word of God" and infallible.

When you ask a Christian beLIEver what Jesus of Nazareth taught and lived, you may possibly get the answer that Jesus taught that he is the only Son of God and the savior of hue-mankind, if you happen upon an acolyte who has actually read some of the contents of the so-called New Testament.

You will likely further experience the attempt to convert you to his or her religious beLIEfs. This hypnotized, mind-controlled behavior is what I call "towing the mainstream secular doctrinal line" of "mindless adherence" to a secular beLIEf system. 

What Jesus of Nazareth Did NOT Teach

There are many ideas and concepts attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, which are time-honored tradition-bound falsehoods. Some obvious early conclusions may be reached.
  • Christianity was what Jesus's Apostles taught. The word "Christianity" did not appear in hue-man language until the 14th century.
  • Jesus did not teach Christianity, a religious beLIEf system that grew up around him via his Apostles and other followers, after his death and resurrection.
  • Jesus did not say to follow Christians or Christianity.
  • Jesus never taught that the Jews were the "chosen people" of God.
  • Jesus never taught the Americans or citizens of any other culture were to bow down before modern day so-called state of Israel as though they are gods on Earth.
  • Jesus never taught that he came to bring Christianity to the world and Christian doctrines (beLIEfs about Jesus) must be wielded like a weapon to conquer all un-beLIEvers.
  • Jesus never taught that in order to be "born again of the spirit" you must verbalize formulaic 

I could easily go on and on with the above list. But if you have "ears to hear" you get the bigger picture.

What Jesus of Nazareth DID Teach

All of everything that Jesus of Nazareth did teach may be summarized in the following:

  • Jesus taught that God is the Father of ALL men, women and children.

  • He further taught that God does not play favorites. He loves ALL of his children equally.

  • Jesus taught that you must be "born again of the spirit."

  • And these primary precepts can be summarized in his revealing the Father on Paradise in the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of membership in the heavenly family.

At a future time, when Christianity dares to lose its veil of arrogant and ignorant self-righteousness, it will become all-inclusive of God's mortal children, rather than just one more exclusive cult of beLIEf superiority. 

But Christians, if they are indeed true faith-sons of God, don't have to wait until secular Christianity becomes de-paganized and truly "born again of the spirit." 

The individual follower of Jesus can dare to espouse the true teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, now, and immediately experience a "rebirth" and "renewal" within, where he and she dares to declare the Fatherhood of God of all his mortal children.

Thereby and therein will the individual realize that we are all brothers and sisters in the heavenly and cosmic family of those who have a personal relationship with the Universe Father of ALL through his Creator Son and through the Father's indwelling divine spirit.


Everything I have presented herein is simple. These concepts are not complex. But Father's children insist on making them complex. The more cleverly complex you make these concepts the less truth they contain.

BeLIEf is complex. BeLIEf is binding, restricting and self-imprisoning.

Faith is simple. Faith is ever-momentarily releasing and expanding into new and higher and deeper truth-discovery.

The Light Of Eternal Life

...spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths of toil... have already begun to discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world... 

The Urantia Book, (34:6.13)



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