Character Building Questions | Weak or Strong Character?

 character building questions

Character Building Questions 

Weak or Strong Character?

Improving Character

While inherited urges cannot be fundamentally modified, emotional responses to such urges can be changed; therefore the moral nature can be modified, character can be improved. 

The Urantia Book, (140:4.7)

Inherited Urges on a Perfect World

Deficient unification weakens the moral nature and engenders unhappiness.
Character Building Questions: What are the signs of deficient character development universally observable in both oneself and others?

In a perfect world, we would still be born into hue-manimal bodies as imperfect beings, no matter how perfect the physiological energy-system is. However, in this perfect world the programming received into the infant mind would be perfected. 

In addition, in a perfect world, the infant mind would be loved, developing natural talents observed, encouraged and nurtured. 

In and around and beneath all of this perfect programming received into the developing body-mind contact with the immediate environment, the infant, child and teenager would still experience all of the natural and inherited hue-manimal urges.

But when the child is taught to live in an atmosphere and culture of encouragement and wise training, a spiritual philosophy of life based in soundness of wisdom principles emerges, which serve to guide the children speedily toward...morality...and subsequent "contact with the indwelling spirit-presence of God."

Character Building Questions: What are "Inherited and Taught Urges" on an Imperfect World?

On Urantia (Earth) there is no standard and adaptive model of parental training, if such a model can be found anywhere. 

Only on a planet where the civilization is still drowning in the fear of superstition, mysticism, the supernatural and grave errors in thinking does parental training have no seat available anywhere in culture.

Inherited urges on an imperfect world, the primary one being the "sex impulse," in and of itself presents a formidable challenge for a young immature and growing mind; any increase in progesterone or testosterone underlie powerful inner emotional responses to visual images and personal relationships in the outer world experience.

Few parents ever dare to grow beyond their own ignorance regarding the learning of how to "live the ideal parental modeling" for programming their children to grow into progressively greater balance--into truer and truer development of good character traits, during their first seven years on the planet.

Instead, the highly imperfect behavioral models the child sees promotes the drift of the worst in embracing inherited traits, such as:
  • spiritual cowardice in not protecting one's child against state corporate and medical corporate tyranny where a child's health is concerned.
  • outright injury to and subsequent debilitation of the physiological body due to the tyranny of state and medical abuse.
  • drug addiction from birth or at a very early age.
  • sexual abuse by a parent, sibling or extended bloodline member of the family tree.
  • the introduction to pornographic images.
  • the urge to lust.
  • the urge to covet.
  • the urge to over eat.
  • the urge to poison oneself to death.
  • the urge to poison another or others to death.
  • the urge to commit suicide by any and all means.
  • the consistent use of vulgarity.
  • the urge to quick anger--the lack or even complete lack of patience.
  • the urge to fight as an attempt to settle differences.
  • the urge to take unfair advantage--even out bully others into submission.
  • the urge to assume absolute authority and control over others.
  • the urge to steal.
  • the urge to lie to cover up one's misdeeds, out of the fear of the consequences which would be suffered.
  • the urge to criminal violence.
  • the urge to seek wealth accumulation and power-control through political and corporate position status.
The above is hardly a complete list. But suffice the list to show that such inherited and taught urges lead the children of God into a black hole of delusion, from which often there is no escape.

Character Building Questions: How Do You Change the "Emotional Response?"

Does the above section describes your own childhood experience to a lesser or greater extent? It does mine.

But you and I cannot change the past. The average child of God feels trapped by the ever-repeating, self-destructive cycle of his and her negative thought-pattern and subsequent fear-bound emotions. Such accompanying negative emotions are more often than not...highly charged.

Should you chance to be a parent of an infant child, falling between the ages of 1 to 7, I encourage you--even urge you to consider the great wisdom in the following passages from The Urantia Book.
100:1.3 Give every developing child a chance to grow his own religious experience; do not force a ready-made adult experience upon him. Remember, year-by-year progress through an established educational regime does not necessarily mean intellectual progress, much less spiritual growth

Enlargement of vocabulary does not signify development of character. Growth is not truly indicated by mere products but rather by progress. Real educational growth is indicated by 
  • enhancement of ideals, 
  • increased appreciation of values, 
  • new meanings of values, and 
  • augmented loyalty to supreme values.
And clearly understand that you may begin to change your fear-bound, negative thought-patterns and emotional reactions, beginning today--right where you are now growing forward, moment by moment and day by day. "The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living; the acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow."

Enhancement of Ideals

How do you "enhance" the development of your own ideals, let alone model those to an infant during his and her programming years?

Do you know the meaning of the noun: ideal?

Webster's dictionary defines "ideal" as:
ideal noun

1: a standard of perfection, beauty, or excellence
2: one regarded as exemplifying an ideal and often taken as a model for imitation
3: an ultimate object or aim of endeavor : GOAL

As an individual child of God, you ought to endeavor to create in your mind's-eye-vision your highest concept of a "standard of perfection." Then aim to model your inner and outer selves in increasing harmonization with this ideal self.

It is said that the "key to perfection is the imitation of God," who is perfection--the perfect and absolute personality; God is a person. It is also said that to share oneself with others in unselfish service is divine. This models the divine nature and character attributes of God.

Character Building Questions: Does Your Inner "Mind's-Eye-Vision" Match Up to This?

(141:2.1) I declare that the kingdom of heaven is the realization and acknowledgment of God's rule within the hearts of men. 

 Jesus' greatest pronouncement was...."The kingdom of heaven is with you."

Logic dictates that if "the kingdom of heaven is within you," the goal of gaining entrance into this heavenly estate and remaining there is the "ultimate goal of the hue-manimal child of God."

The building of a divinely perfected true character has always been and will always be the "true meaning of hue-man existence" and "the ultimate goal of hue-man attainment."

Allow yourself to as "character building questions." And the answers to replacing character deficiencies with true character attributes will ever be forthcoming.

And ever and always ask yourself..."If not NOW...WHEN?"



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