A Simple, Practical and Spiritual Blueprint for Self-mastery

 A Simple, Practical and 

Spiritual Blueprint 

for Self-mastery

You, as an individual mortal child of our Paradise Father, endowed with the priceless gifts of personality and free will choosing, may decide every moment of every day to 
"ALLOW" your 
  • physical, 
  • mental and 
  • spiritual powers 
to be "spirit-led" into triune harmony of development by defining this (in your own mind) as a project of soul growth advancement--inviting your Thought Adjuster to be one with you in the ever-progressing conquest of self--the whole self--physical (physiological energy-system endowed with natural mind), mental (which includes the morontial soul identity and super consciousness) and your destined spiritual self--the Thought Adjuster. 

The "good steward" over these divine gifts (both temporary and potentially permanent) 
  • feeds only good food and water into the body, 
  • avoids every form of poisoning the body, 
  • feeds the mind with only positive and spiritual thought-vibrations, ever-momentarily watches over what the mortal self is thinking, 
  • corrects one's own negative thoughts (character deficiencies), brings the natural mind back to spiritual thoughts (self-discipline--self-control) and 
  • directs oneself back to alignment with the "will of our Paradise Father" within the mind (self-direction to being spirit-led).
This is the both practical and spiritual "blueprint" for ascending the seven circles of planetary progress (7 psychic circles in the individual and paralleling the 7 mansion worlds progression)...the attainment to the "conquest of self--self-mastery--spirit-led domination over mind and matter.

156:2.1 In entering Sidon, Jesus and his associates passed over a bridge, the first one many of them had ever seen. As they walked over this bridge, Jesus, among other things, said: “This world is only a bridge; you may pass over it, but you should not think to build a dwelling place upon it.”

I encourage anyone reading this to take the time to write the words down and meditate upon them until you clearly understand within your, illuminated by your individual Thought Adjuster, how you may "act upon your own light of truth."



Madamson said…
Incredibly beautiful and thought provoking. I AM ALLOWING
this into my life as a daily reading and and practice.


Mary Adamson
Thank you, Mary, for such a thoughtful, touching and beautiful comment. :-)

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