Right-use Thinking and Wrong-use Thinking Have Real Life Consequences

 Right-use Thinking and Wrong-use Thinking 

Have Real Life Consequences

A Necessary If Not Critical Clarification of Meanings

Let us elevate the word "righteousness" to "right-use of personal power" and speak of "evil" as the "wrong use of personal power."

Our real life decisions-actions, which have their origin in right-use thinking or wrong-use thinking, have real life consequences. 

We may further elevate "right-use of personal power" to "unselfishly thinking and acting" even "unselfish service to self and to fellow beings."

In turn, we may further denigrate the meaning of the "wrong use of personal power" as "selfish thinking," thinking that is turned in upon the self, "self-focus," and "self-aggrandizement." 

Under a Hypnotic Satanic Ritual of Mind Control 

The majority of individuals, in this present era, live out their short lives, mesmerized by Tell-LIES-Vision. 

They are subconsciously enslaved to a godless religion of mistakenly perceived governmental authority over their minds and lives. 

They worship the assumed authority of personalities in government, in the Main Stream Media, dimly lit so-called “stars” in Un-Holy-Wood movies and on the sound stage (in the cult of personality-worship) allowing high paid talking heads to dictate what they think, what they must beLIEve and how they must act in their daily lives, in order to find acceptance within the hue-man herd.

Mental Laziness Rules Over "Herd-Think"

Mentally lazy and physically deteriorating, those mesmerized (under the Satanic ritual spell cast by those in power), are unwilling to question, unwilling to think for themselves. And consequently, they pay the price for their own stupidity.

And perhaps, they are, indeed, paving the way for a better world of somewhat more awakened—aware—but hardly enlightened world of individuals who chose to wake up (to a slightly greater degree of truth-responsiveness), along with those of us who chose not to play along with narcissistic psychopathic bullies, at all, but choose instead to follow the truth-leading of the indwelling spirit of our Father.

The Yardstick of True Enlightenment

My yardstick, in the present, is this: anything that falls short (in thinking-believing-faith-knowing, and service-action) of the Fatherhood of God and the hue-man fraternalhood of civilization…may be said to be somewhat more awakened, but hardly enlightened. 

And ALL that falls short of the Fatherhood of God and the fraternalhood of hue-man civilization is doomed to perish, in favor of those future generations who are willing to unite under the banner of one Father-God ruling in the hearts, minds and souls of hue-mans who see the future of hue-man civilization—who see (in their mind’s eye) a glorious heaven on Urantia, and are committed in their daily lives to working together (in spiritual unity—not intellectual beLIEf-uniformity) toward the achievement-attainment of the coming era of light and life.

Are You Acting Selfishly or Unselfishly in Service to Yourself and Others?

Let us consider one of the beginning statements, again, in greater depth.
We may further elevate "right-use of personal power" to "unselfishly thinking and acting" even "unselfish service to self and to fellow beings."

  1. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you gorge yourself with store bought manufactured/processed foods which contain many poisons in the form of "preservatives?" 
  2. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you inhale nicotine poison into your lungs?
  3. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you take alcohol poison into your body?
  4.  Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you smoke, snort, inhale, ingest, or poisons into your body?
  5. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you daily drink poisoned water containing fluoride and chlorine?
  6. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you sit in front of the Tell-LIES-Vision many hours per day?
  7. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you get angry at those closest to you when they don't do what you expect or demand they do to serve you?
  8. Is it ALL about you?
  9. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when perceive and judge others as being "beneath you?"
  10. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you lie to yourself and to others?
  11. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you pretend to be some you are not?
  12. Are you acting out selfishly or unselfishly when you "keep secrets" about your past and your hidden activities that are evil in nature?
How you answer these twelve questions is a reflection in your own mental mirror of your lack of soul-conscious awareness and the degree to which you act as an egoistic selfish hue-manimal. 

Inversely, how you answer these questions in your own mental mirror of mind may reflect the degree of your attainment to soul-conscious awareness of acting unselfishly in service to yourself and to all others around you.

Always remember: Whenever you fail to make a better choice, a moral choice, a more soul-conscious progressive choice, an unselfish choice, you are STILL making a CHOICE nonetheless!




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