It Is Your Fearful "Stinking Thinking," Stupid. But You Will Never Change...Will You?

It Is Your Fearful "Stinking Thinking," Stupid. 

But You Will Never Change...Will You?

Unadulterated truth wiser ones will  readily perceive. 
Falsehoods, by fools, are readily beLIEved. 
Timothy Ray Walls 2021

You Are Upside Down and Do Not Even Know It

You do not want simple. Do you? No. 

You want complex. You feel it must be complex. 

Nothing in your life is ever simple. 

Your are programmed to beLIEve it must be complex. 

No. It cannot possibly be simple.

You are unprincipled--un-disciplined. You won't even try to control the most basic deficiencies in your character you manifest privately to yourself and outwardly to the world.

You are more often than not...Jeckyll and Hyde. Inwardly, you are engaged in battle--in an "internal civil war" with yourself. And it is never clear who will win this battle when your short life span is finished.

This is why you will never perceive the truth of my words.

You Are Drowning In the Details

Yes. You are drowning in a tidal wave of details of daily living. You think this is "normal." 

You will never understand that a 24/7 busy mind will never leave the "jungle of confusion." 

You will never become the observer at-a-distance to see the jungle for what it is: CONFUSION.

You are mentally lazy. You love to hide your mental laziness behind this daily tidal wave of details by sitting many hours in front of Tell-LIES-Vision.

You cannot envision any other way of living your life, because you won't allow yourself to envision any other possibilities.

You are under satanic ritual hypnosis. You are mind-controlled. You are a 21st century zombie--a robot.

Embryonic Mentally Lazy Minds are Controlled Minds

"Chattering minds" are lost in Confusion Jungle. 
"Still minds," from a distance, no longer bungle. 
Timothy Ray Walls 2021

You are the embryonic mind sucking from a corporate boobular tube. You feed to until you are satiated with poison milk. Corporate talking heads tell you what to beLIEve, how you must talk (to fit in), how you must dress, what bottled water you must drink, what fast foods you must eat, and what poison pills you must swallow.

You are told to beLIEve that your doctor is god; you are powerless to be healthy on your own. You are weak-minded; therefore you are unhealthy and immune deficient. Your doctor and poison pills are the answer for every illness and dis-ease.

You are a fear-bound, stressed out pathetic mess.

It is hardly a thing to wonder at observing you squandering your God-given inheritance of free will choice. You don't even know what it means to exercise your God-given priceless powers of free will choosing.

You are aging rapidly--far faster than you ought to be. I see you moping around your yard at 60 years of age, putting one foot in front of the other like someone is in their nineties or a centenarian. 

Yes, I know you well. You are the living dead--the zombified of the 21st century mind-controlled masses.

Sense and Nonsense

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated” – Confucius

And you are too brain-dead to comprehend the answer is so simple. The simple answer is to "allow" yourself to be led by your Creator's indwelling divine spirit--the "still small voice within." Your Father, God, is ever-momentarily trying to reach you--to establish a "living connection" with you, to help you create your soul self and to eternalize you.

But you are so bound--imprisoned to false beLIEfs you cannot hear the "still small voice within." You fear the possibility of having to give up your unclean and filthy habits of living; you fear having to change more than even your date with leaving your hue-manimal body behind.

The final piece to the puzzle that may free you from your self-imprisonment is "sense," "commonsense." But commonsense ever eludes you, because your 'final puzzle piece" is "nonsense." And you ever keep it at the ready to cover over commonsense.

No wonder you so mindlessly line up with donned masks to get jabbed with a bio-weapon!

It is your "stinking thinking," stupid. And it is well understood that "stupid is as stupid does." But you will never change... Will you?

Oh, how you just love to hide behind the LIES!

Can you handle the truth?

No. You do not want simple. You started out with the wonderful simplicity of the child mind that was a life of fascination, wonderment, and discovery of the world around you.

But you were programmed to beLIEve that life had to be complex.

So, you made it complex. In fact, you got so good at it that you complexify hell into everything you think and do.

Then, you wonder why it has to be complex. Why can't it just be simple?

The rich industrialist was horrified to find the fisherman lying beside his boat, smoking a pipe.

"Why aren't you out fishing?" asked the industrialist.

"Because I have caught enough fish for the day." said the fisherman.

"Why don't you catch some more?" again, asked the industrialist.

"What would I do with them?" the fisherman queried back.

"You could earn more money. Then you could have a motor fitted to your boat to go into deeper waters and catch more fish. Then you would have enough money to buy nylon nets. These would bring you more fish and more money. Soon you would have enough money to to two boats...maybe even a fleet of boats. Then you would be a rich man like me." was the proposed business plan of the industrialist.

"What would I do then?" again, queried the fisherman.

"Then you could sit back and enjoy life." retorted the industrialist.

"What do you think I am doing right now?" replied the fisherman.



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