God Told You What To Do? Yes, a Secularistic Government is Your God

God Told You What To Do? 

Yes, a Secularistic Government is Your God

A Fake-demic didn't create food shortages, 

government did.

The Fake-demic didn't create financial hardship,

government did.

The Fake-demic didn' raise unemployment,

government did.

The Fake-demic didn't close your business,

government did.

The Fake-demic didn't stop you from worshiping,

government did.

Quit looking to the government to save you.

What Is The True Meaning of "govern-ment?"

gubernare verb

govern · control · rule · restrain · reign 

mens noun feminine

an ability for rational thought

Where Is Your Finger Pointing?

Everyone is so busy pointing the finger else where. 

Want to change everything you see? Take personal responsibility. 

Do Not Question. OBEY.

You listen and obey every dictate coming from government and non-governmental three-letter corporate agency talking heads? And why is it you allow such a blatant dictatorship to rule over your mind?

Stand back far enough and you will see; it is the weak-minded hue-man herds which have stopped living and handed over everything it means to be hue-man, for something that is total delusion. 

The Matrix of Fear 

The Matrix of Fear is the prison in the mind. "Fear is the mind-killer." It is all a show to detour you from discovering and realizing the "creator you." You. create. it. all.

Want to see something different? You've got to vibrate something different. The one you are looking to save you? It is not the government. It not anything else in the external world which exists. It is you

This Victim Mentality

How about we just see it for what it is and take back our power. To do that, you must first take back your mind.

The False God You Worship

You may pretend to know God and still worship government. God and fear cannot co-exist; the first is the hue-manimal physiological reaction of the reptilian brain to what is perceived as threatening (real or illusion). 

When you are so weak of mind=to so lazy of mind--unwilling to question--wanting the government and corporate talking heads to tell you what is real and how to live your life in safety--this is called secularism--statism--godlessness. 

Secularism IS Godlessness

God and the godless state of secularism--statism--government worship cannot co-exist. Keep on pretending to know God while worshiping the state in fear. 

You do not know the God of the Universe. 

Your god is the government--a false god who is controlling you with your permission.

Secularism is a code word for godlessness--socialism--communism--satanism--corporatism--sectarianism--treatment of symptoms with poisons; there are almost endless ways in which secularism is disguised in the matrix of deception.

Secularism is the attempt to do the undoable--build a one world government without God enthroned in the hearts of his hue-man children. This is the greatest oxymoron to ever exist in hue-man idealization of creating "hell" or "heaven" on Earth.

Without God our Father enthroned in our hearts, planet-wide, all attempts to build a "heaven" on Earth are doomed to fail.



Madamson said…
Choosing to be a victim SUCKS!! I am always at the mercy of someone else--stuck and afraid to move in the direction I want to go, afraid of what you will think/do! I do find the courage , at times, to speak up for my self, and ya know what, It feels GREAT, and I just want to keep doing it.
Well, that's how it starts--one step at a time. You just keep making the choice to do what works for you, another person, or is really best for the majority.
I become more considerate, more compassionate, thoughtful, ALL those wonderful things! AND I'm more happy with who I am. People are drawn to me and seem to like being with me. We need one another, to support one another and to stand up for our rights. I'm gonna choose to continue to do it!! Try it you might like it too!

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