When Everyone 'Has the Right to Be Right,' the Whole is Wrong!

When Everyone 'Has the Right to Be Right,' the Whole is Wrong!

(Written 8/29/2016)

All beliefs are based in delusion-deceit and fear-fraud...

from childhood to present...beliefs...must be...worn and released...

songs of creation...sung in the heart...stirring soul in mind-pod...

worship-insight is...cosmic insight... the First Source is pleased...

I am often asked "what do you believe?" ...and my answer...?

when everyone 'has the right to be right' the whole is wrong...

observe beliefs... go into...sacred space...as cosmic dancer...

believe everything truth-based... believe nothing at all...

Human civilization is tearing itself apart...

ideological warring...affectation of ego...

self-inflation...self-importance...the cancer-eaten heart...

only from...inner sacred space...do selfless words of truth...flow...

I am often asked "what do you believe?" ...and my answer...?

when everyone 'has the right to be right' the whole is wrong...

observe beliefs... go into...sacred space...as cosmic dancer...

believe everything truth-based... believe nothing at all...

Master of self...controls the might...sets aside balloons blown...

by nature and grace claims spiritual riches as his own...

a threat to dark minds who murder what they choose not to know...

his...heritage eternal...tiny cosmic dancer's flow...

I am often asked "what do you believe?" ...and my answer...?

when everyone 'has the right to be right' the whole is wrong...

observe beliefs... go into...sacred space...as cosmic dancer...

believe everything truth-based... believe nothing at all...

Belief is not faith... faith is not belief...my spirit-led song...

faith is the mind-bridge over darkness into...life and light...

the mind that rids itself of belief-scaffolding...when gone...

is the mind...one with soul-spirit in...true cosmic insight...

I am often asked "what do you believe?" ...and my answer...?

when everyone 'has the right to be right' the whole is wrong...

observe beliefs... go into...sacred space...as cosmic dancer...

believe everything truth-based... believe nothing at all...

All beliefs are based in delusion-deceit and fear-fraud...

from childhood to present...beliefs...must be...worn and released...

songs of creation...sung in the heart...stirring soul in mind-pod...

worship-insight is...cosmic insight... the First Source is pleased...

I am often asked "what do you believe?" ...and my answer...?

when everyone 'has the right to be right' the whole is wrong...

observe beliefs... go into...sacred space...as cosmic dancer...

believe everything truth-based... believe nothing at all...

...believe everything truth-based... 

...believe nothing at all...

When No One has the 'Right to be Right,'

the Whole is the...Cosmic Song...

the Melody Reverberates Beyond Sound and Sight...

even unto the Recognition of the...Master of All...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021


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