Virtual Unreality | The Mindless Copy N' Paste Syndrome

 Virtual Unreality

(The Mindless Copy N' Paste Syndrome)

(Written February 17th, 2014)
virtual unreality
Online communities–full and thriving… virtual see, hear, smell, touch and taste copy n’ paste…copy n’ paste… Like bees in a hive–ever be hiving… virtual see, hear, smell, touch and taste copy n’ paste…copy n’ paste… No deep thought–always shallow mind diving… virtual see, hear, smell, touch and taste copy n’ paste…copy n’ paste… In a hurry? in a haste? no time to waste? just copy n’ paste… like a new old commercial that is never erased– just copy n’ paste… copy n’ paste… Online immunities–real names disguising… virtual see, hear, smell, touch and taste copy n’ paste…copy n’ paste… No original thought ever needs devising… virtual see, hear, smell , touch and taste copy n’ paste… copy n’ paste… Virtual hit–endless clone bees dividing… virtual see, hear, smell, touch and taste copy n’ paste…copy n’ paste… In a hurry? in a haste? no time to waste? just copy n’ paste… like a new old commercial that is never erased– just copy n’ paste… copy n’ paste… …accept only real imitations…
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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