They May As Well Pick Up COC Pipe, Smoke UP, Or Freebase

They May As Well Pick Up COC Pipe, Smoke UP, Or Freebase

(Written 11/18/2020)
they may as well pick up coc pipe
'Professional joiners' are all a 'dime a dozen' then, they...disappear...without reason, rhyme, or a trace when they...try to think...are their brains suddenly 'frozen?' remain in this state...intelligence...quickly erase...? They may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase... thought reduced to mimicry of the autocratic mind, soul, spirit and personality...they debase... at best...on animal-matic... What, then, is meant by 'animal-matic,' you may ask? ever happens when the mind is programmed to beLIEve repeating, without question, is the deceit-full mask blind to 'echo chamber' media's program to deceive They may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase... 'free will' is emaciated--it withers and it dies... made unreal...when morality you erase... the soul-devastation is the...'Swamp of Lies' Understand...there are 'Swamps of Lies' all over the Earth our 'volatile impatience' erupts into anger we are taught to react this way from the moment of birth has put the hue-man race in the greatest of danger They may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase... thus, reducing yourself to 'mere physical matter' now, smoke that COC a thousand times more, just in case... works as well as a 'gun to the temple' brains will splatter Are you a 'professional joiner?' Are you 'brain-dead?' head full of 'busy thoughts and beLIEfs' to hide behind? you fear to speak--criticism--the 'terror in your head' 'no think' seems easier...but in 'no think' you lose your mind How unkind you are to 'gifts' Father has given you you are the servants who bury their talents in ground... your failure to choose--permanent death--it is true your only the 'Swamp of Lies' you drowned.. You may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase... your 'free will' emaciated--it withered and it died... your soul... made unreal...when morality you erased... your soul-devastation is the...'Swamp of Lies' Your Soul Devastation Is Real...In The...'Swamp Of Satanic Lies'
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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