The Secret of Life Itself | Unfolds in the Still Mind that is Focused in Quiet Listening…

 The Secret of Life Itself

Unfolds in the Still Mind that is Focused in Quiet Listening…

(Written January 8th, 2015)
the secret of life itself
The average mortal lives out his life…in ignorance…without so much as a clue… preoccupied with a hundred and one things of daily five senses living…he does not have the time to be bothered with questioning, thinking, listening… that average human is not you… when you are questioning and listening…you will come to understand…shift the paradigm from mechanical to spirit fusing with soul mind…from mere believing to faith-knowing that your Paradise Father loves you…as if there were no other… is your love…showing…? To resonate with spirit is to resonate with Love… a Love that gives and forgives without boundaries… deeply reach inward and upward… you will ascend above… as the spirit reaches downward and outward you will see… you…becoming spirit…spirit becoming you… the soul is the true character ideal of the person you know the moral, trustworthy and wise..has attained…dignity… God becoming human… Human becoming God…to be the mortal-soul-God…fused as one…throughout eternity… It is not how far you have progressed, in this moment, that determines your destiny… the secret of life itself unfolds in the still mind that is focused in quiet listening… it’s what you are becoming, moment by moment, day by day, in time and eternity… just as the pattern of Paradise is within every atom…your awakening is determined by vibrating in resonance with the Paradise pattern…the divine Paradise spirit within your mind brought with it…ideal blueprint for your spiritual life… To resonate with spirit is to resonate with Love… a Love that gives and forgives without boundaries… deeply reach inward and upward… you will ascend above… as the spirit reaches downward and outward you will see… you…becoming spirit…spirit becoming you… the soul is the true character ideal of the person you know the moral, trustworthy and wise..has attained…dignity… God becoming human… Human becoming God…to be the mortal-soul-God…fused as one…throughout eternity… Mortal experience is filled with gravitational swings…to the far left and the far right… in the experience of the ideal spiritual life…swings of the pendulum…grow shorter… and shorter…less and less..until the pendulum stops…full awakening…spiritual sight… live as though already an eternal… your soul is built…brick by brick.. spirit is mortar… your crystalline fortress of solitude…unassailable…impregnable… soul fits like a glove… now know that the indwelling divine spirit is the embodiment of your Father’s Love… To resonate with spirit is to resonate with Love… a Love that gives and forgives without boundaries… deeply reach inward and upward… you will ascend above… as the spirit reaches downward and outward you will see… you…becoming spirit…spirit becoming you… the soul is the true character ideal of the person you know the moral, trustworthy and wise..has attained…dignity… God becoming human… Human becoming God…to be the mortal-soul-God…fused as one…throughout eternity… God becoming human… Human becoming God…to be the mortal-soul-God…fused as one…throughout eternity…
© Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


Madamson said…
Thank you Timothy. Beautiful.
Madamson said…
Always becoming!!
Madamson said…
Always becoming!!

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