The Mind-Killing Fear of What Other People Might Think...

 The Mind-Killing Fear of What Other People Might Think...

(Written March 29th, 2017)

As a child I was overly self-conscientious...

silently afraid of what others thought of me...

when viewed as outsider...there is only distrust....

slowly came to 'higher-mind-see' what they could not see...

The fear of what others think is the...Mind-Killer...

attaches to false beliefs in 'mirror of mind...'

the 'death of the soul' is 'belief-retarding-fear...'

attached to religion...greatest prison in time...

Constantly ridiculed for being quiet and thoughtful...

the asking of deeper questions would set me free...

the gift of 'spiritual insight' has made life full...

has evolved to a place of being ever happy...

The fear of what others think is the...Mind-Killer...

attaches to false beliefs in 'mirror of mind...'

the 'death of the soul' is 'belief-retarding-fear...'

attached to religion...greatest prison in time...

The fear of what others think seeks...'herd acceptance...'

...if we run...'over the cliff...' we run together...

when 'human herd' shares the lie...truth has no chance...

soul withers and dies on its cosmic mind tether...

The fear of what others think is the...Mind-Killer...

attaches to false beliefs in 'mirror of mind...'

the 'death of the soul' is 'belief-retarding-fear...'

attached to religion...greatest prison in time...

'Fear-antidote? become the 'reflective mirror...'

still the mind... inner voice says...'walk through into light...' 

work to detach all beliefs from its master...fear...

'spiritual captive freed' ...masters cosmic insight...

The fear of what others think is the...Mind-Killer...

attaches to false beliefs in 'mirror of mind...'

the 'death of the soul' is 'belief-retarding-fear...'

attached to religion...greatest prison in time...

attached to religion...greatest prison in time...

'spiritual captive freed' ...masters cosmic insight...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021


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