The Light Bridge is built to cross over time…

The Light Bridge is built to cross over time…

(Written December 4th, 2014)
the light bridge is built to cross over time
In the human experience there are mountains… to the mind of faith there are only fountains… from which only truth, beauty, goodness, wisdom and love flow into moments of the present… the mind of faith…ever youthful and lissome… recognize this place of…knowing…heaven sent… In transformation from human to divine… a light bridge must be built to cross over time… into the eternity of the essence… into fusion with the Paradise presence… where Father-fragment gains personality… and personality gains divinity… The light bridge is built on…moment by moment… by decisions of daily at-onement… align the mortal will with the will of God… means simply to choose love through moral intent… live normally…choose carefully…caveat… pet evils are pitfalls to the experient… In transformation from human to divine… a light bridge must be built to cross over time… into the eternity of the essence… into fusion with the Paradise presence… where Father-fragment gains personality… and personality gains divinity… The light bridge is built with your divine partner… the Father-fragment…the gift of the Father… whose great gifts of personality and mind… make it possible for you to know and be known… experiencing yourself…inwardly through time… reaching for perfection…reaping what was sown… In transformation from human to divine… a light bridge must be built to cross over time… into the eternity of the essence… into fusion with the Paradise presence… where Father-fragment gains personality… and personality gains divinity… At a loss for words to describe this union… in the eternal now…waiting for fusion… I share the words that flow into this now time… the time to share is passing ever faster… in two-legged’s world of the shifting paradigm… there is eternal joy in divine laughter… In transformation from human to divine… a light bridge must be built to cross over time… into the eternity of the essence… into fusion with the Paradise presence… where Father-fragment gains personality… and personality gains divinity… Build your inner light bridge and your soul will shine… with your personality…your soul entwine… may each life you touch with the light in your eyes… reach into mind with invisible leverage… to mutually remove all forms of disguise… the truth and an unselfish love encourage… In transformation from human to divine… a light bridge must be built to cross over time… into the eternity of the essence… into fusion with the Paradise presence… where Father-fragment gains personality… and personality gains divinity… where Father-fragment gains personality… and personality gains divinity…
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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