Remember The Immutable Power Of One | The Greatest Power Is Within You

 Remember The Immutable Power Of One

(The Greatest Power Is Within You)

(Written 10-17-20)
remember the immutable power of one
Are you a typical hue-manimal man-- one, largely under chemical control your habits of nature you don't understand? only concept of self--no concept of whole? You ought to seek God's indwelling spirit guide would you come to know much greater peace inside? my friend, when you feel you are coming undone remember the immutable power of one One may not divide, but to fractionalize three as one is the underlying reality your mind, soul and spirit come to realize personality makes one totality You ought to seek God's indwelling spirit guide would you come to know much greater peace inside? my friend, when you feel you are coming undone remember the immutable power of one The boundaries you accept you imagine your programmed rules of living others created rules are beLIEfs--the bars of your own prison the boundaries don't exist--must be vacated You ought to seek God's indwelling spirit guide would you come to know much greater peace inside? my friend, when you feel you are coming undone remember the immutable power of one Learn to transmute into alchemical gold-- all three of your parts must continue to evolve how three become one--meld into the whole the time-space puzzle--only you may solve You ought to seek God's indwelling spirit guide would you come to know much greater peace inside? my friend, when you feel you are coming undone remember the immutable power of one
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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