Only Way To 'Know Truth' Is To 'Experience' It...

 Only Way To 'Know Truth' Is To 'Experience' It...

(Written 12/17/20)
only way to know truth is to experience it
There is a 'vibration' the 'resonation' of 'truth' at any age and moment you may grab hold of it... racing, busy mind, you never forcibly renew... only the 'poise of inner listening' will acquit 'Acting upon inner light of truth' IS 'actual'... 'experience,' 'faith-knowing' 'objectively seeing'... beyond 'surface appearance' makes 'visible' the 'real'... truth, beauty, and goodness become 'manifest being' Only way to 'know truth' is to 'experience' it... all else you may hear is but second hand stories told... 'beLIEf' vs. 'faith-knowing,' sophistry vs. truth, admit... then objectively sift...'til left with truth is the goal Admit...'words' and 'thoughts' have 'meaning' and 'consequences'... ALL programmed fear-based LIES are INHERENT in beLIEfs... baseless FEAR will keep lazy minds sitting on fences... False Evidence Appearing Real...Tell-LIES-Vision...THIEF! Who is the 'real thief?' do you not permit to happen...? 'stolen reality' with 'satanic lies' replaces... 'objectively seeing' with 'delusions' which darken... the connection to body, mind and soul...erases...? Only way to 'know truth' is to 'experience' it... all else you may hear is but second hand stories told... 'beLIEf' vs. 'faith-knowing,' sophistry vs. truth, admit... then objectively sift...'til left with truth is the goal 'BeLIEf' vs. 'faith-knowing,' sophistry vs. truth, admit... then objectively sift...'til left with TRUTH...IS...THE GOAL... Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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