Mesmerized Minds of the Children of God Have Lost Their Way...Have Lost Their...Vision...

Mesmerized Minds of the Children of God Have Lost Their Way...Have Lost Their...Vision...

(Written January 29th, 2021)

Perhaps the majority of hue-mans are focused upon the outside world...
of course, there is so many things and keep you...imprisoned...
read this! watch that! look here! go there! do this! do that! it can make your mind spin...swirl...
'mesmerized' minds of the children of God have lost their way...have lost

Take to the streets! protest this! fight! destroy! a civil war...rages...inside you... 
lost in perpetuating the 'left-right' programmed false paradigm of division
'spiritual unity'... 'empty ideal,' replaced by a political view...
satanic soul-less insurgent coup d'état...mind versus mind in collision...

There is answer...and that answer is only found within the mind...
in the transcending of beLIEf...elevating thought to connection with God...
a 'living connection' called 'faith-trust' between Father and child...unbind...defined...
'not my will, Father,' but your will be done... path less traveled which few dare to trod...

Fear does not lead the hue-man animal mind beyond its warring belligerence...
but indeed reinforces the 'pretension to own God,' 'not your will but mine be done...
'no god but as thou will...' Lucifer's Manifesto in its...'essence'...
so billions remain 'bound,' worldwide, to the false sun long ago, begun...

The 'black sun' Jesuit nobility...the Phoenician bankers...devoid of light...
the so-called 'royal bloodlines' are today's modern Pharisees and Sadducees...
DAVOS, the Committee of 300--the World Bank Group, the CFR, United Nations, W.H.O., IMF, the 'blight'  
outwardly perceived 'cancer' of the 'cancer within,' which mortal mind...decrees...

There is answer...and that answer is only found within the mind...
in the transcending of beLIEf...elevating thought to connection with God...
a 'living connection' called 'faith-trust' between Father and child...unbind...defined...
'not my will, Father,' but 'your will be done'... path less traveled which few dare to trod...
'Not my will, Father,' but 'your will be done'...path less traveled...where the...WAR IS WON...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021


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