Loving Kindness is the Language the Spirit Sees...the Spirit Hears...

Loving Kindness is the Language the Spirit Sees...the Spirit Hears...

(Written 12/15/2014)
loving kindness is the language the spirit sees
So many misunderstandings could be avoided by listening... but ego believes it must always butt in...and must be heard... impatient to make its point...puncture wounds to the heart are bleeding... the death of friendship...the death of love...by the stabbing thoughtless word... the illusions mount in the mind's private theater of the absurd... It is a quiet and listening mind which hears spirit's distant call... the mind that follows the still, small voice within...is the one that feeds... upon eternal life-giving spirit-light energy... heeds the call to set aside ego...tear down belief's dividing wall between mind and soul...conscious-superconscious...unity...enthrall... How many clues do you need to go wherever the spirit leads... absolute truth is the absolute wall...which foretells your fall... when thought is elevated into a god...an inflated ego needs to shout out its evil control...its wealth display...grandiose thoughts pall... to the light of the mind that whispers kindness...to one and to all.. It is a quiet and listening mind which hears spirit's distant call... the mind that follows the still, small voice within...is the one that feeds... upon eternal life-giving spirit-light energy... heeds the call to set aside ego...tear down belief's dividing wall between mind and soul...conscious-superconscious...unity...enthrall... To the light of the mind that whispers kindness to one and to all... there are no barriers that love cannot penetrate to reach the heart... a thoughtful response can deflect an angrily thrown fireball... and rain healing light upon a mind in need and ignite a spark begin to hear the still, small voice that divine love seeks to impart... It is a quiet and listening mind which hears spirit's distant call... © Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020 the mind that follows the still, small voice within...is the one that feeds... upon eternal life-giving spirit-light energy... heeds the call to set aside ego...tear down belief's dividing wall between mind and soul...conscious-superconscious...unity...enthrall... To rain healing light upon a mind in need and ignite a spark begin to hear the still, small voice that divine love seeks to impart...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021


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