"I am" Who Dared to Claim His Spiritual Heritage...

 "I am" Who Dared to Claim His Spiritual Heritage...

(Written 8/13/16)
i am who dared to claim his spiritual heritage
So many say...I believe...I would...I will...I may... I should...I could...perhaps...it is possible...someday... from time eternal to the child...blinking...lifetime...gone... summer's song... this life is but the green leaf..brown...fallen... "I am" did not claim his great spiritual heritage... "I am" only believed what was told to imagine... inheritance squandered...he received from parentage... path of least resistance...spirit-resisting...barren... So many feel..the indwelling spirit is distant... the spirit is not distant... the distant one is you... the divine is subservient to your will... resistant... willful...ones who...lifelong...stubbornly...refused... "I am" did not claim his great spiritual heritage... "I am" only believed what was told to imagine... inheritance squandered...he received from parentage... path of least resistance...spirit-resisting...barren... So many say they 'believe," but dare not venture beyond... no 'conflict' no 'growth,' mortal soul remains...'embryonic'... tadpole faces dangers...but swims loyally in the pond... unconsciously grows into the frog...life's...magic trick... "I am" did not claim his great spiritual heritage... "I am" only believed what was told to imagine... inheritance squandered...he received from parentage... path of least resistance...spirit-resisting...barren... "I am" dared to ascend beyond mortal identity... asking...'question after question' is the...mind-door key... creates passage into...sacred space...where joined with spirit... the angelic soul is...complete... your 'love' did 'spin it'... "I am" dared to claim to his spiritual heritage... "I am" rich beyond anything the mind may imagine... from a fortuitous inheritance from parentage... to challenging path...indwelling spirit-emblazoned... There is a vast gulf between the mortal and divine... between...belief...and...faith...a great mountain you must climb... there...on the summit...leap out into the universe... fly...world...to...world...traversed... Paradise career...rehearsed... "I am" dared to claim to his spiritual heritage... "I am" rich beyond anything the mind may imagine... from a fortuitous inheritance from parentage... to challenging path...indwelling spirit-emblazoned... My friend...dare to claim to your 'spiritual heritage'... you are...rich...beyond anything your mind may imagine... squander not inheritance received from parentage... conflicts and decisions...spirit-led...inner peace...war won... "I am" dared to claim to his spiritual heritage... "I am" rich beyond anything the mind may imagine... from a fortuitous inheritance from parentage... to challenging path...indwelling spirit-emblazoned... So many feel the indwelling spirit is "distant." The spirit is not "distant." The "distant" one is "you."
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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