Beyond the Wormlike Hole…

 Beyond the Wormlike Hole…

(Written in 1979)
beyond the wormlike hole
She was standing at my bed end beckoning me with her ethereal hand she led me beyond the wormlike hole to a futuristic city with a blinding glow… Angel said… “The realm of the invisible is what your mind and soul are made of the universe, in the Universal Mind is the mortal soul’s gateway to the Center of Life… The presence of God, dwelling in your mind is the presence of God, on Paradise… When you journey beyond the wormlike hole it will give you comfort, in the afterglow there are worlds of light… beyond the physical shadow of time… When you journey beyond the wormlike hole you must emerge as semi-spirit soul take this trip with me and you will never, again, journey, alone…” She reached for me, with flowing hand and place her finger, upon my head then disappeared into a resonant glow… the expanding tones, in my…tremolo soul… Angel said… “Vibration is the musical key… the voice of God to all reality… ultimatons of energy… without end, in eternity… This city, where you will someday be passing through to greater destiny you may not attain, but as a being of light I am returning you, now, to your physical time…” Then I awoke, with a delicate scream was she really there? was it all a dream…? She was standing at my bed end beckoning me with her ethereal hand she led me beyond the wormlike hole to a futuristic city with a blinding glow… Never forget…
© Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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