And So...Shall Your Clipped Wing Bird Never Ever Once Fly?

And So...Shall Your Clipped Wing Bird Never Ever Once Fly?

(Written 12/25/20)
and so shall your clipped wing bird
Some moments come... I feel you may wake up all the way... reading articles, posts, tweets and emails I receive... it is just another 'dealing with programming' day... were it not for deep understanding...there's cause to grieve... When you put your best foot're still...deceived... in satanic patriotic light...mortars launched...attacking thoughts...only perceived... each day...long and short-term strategies to win world wars... How long "the accepted way" shall you remain in prison? How long "unquestioned" your programmed hue-manimal mind? How long "indwelling spirit" must suffer derision? How long "dis-beLIEving" man treating spirit unkind? How to ascend beyond...preconceived petty prejudice? ascending faith-sons of God...your perceived mind-bondage... is the great presumption your own ignorance is...bliss... give your soul a Judas kiss... keep closed...door to your cage... And so...never shall your clipped wing bird ever once fly... for the whole of his life...tweeters out sorrowful songs... yet, his eye remains single to his purpose to soar high... living in the past... a plethora of imagined wrongs... How long "the accepted way" shall you remain in prison? How long "unquestioned" your programmed hue-manimal mind? How long "indwelling spirit" must suffer derision? How long "dis-beLIEving" man treating spirit unkind? How will the 'clipped wing' bird who has been caged from its birth ever dare to walk through the open door to its cage? How will love ever become the 'soaring dove?"'s worth... greater than all physical things...entering...Love's Age...? Just let go...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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