And All They Had to Do was to Take Aim… Stake that Claim…

And All They Had to Do was to Take Aim…
Stake that Claim…

(Written November 22nd, 2014)
and all they had to do was to take aim
I realize now…there exists within…the second chance… in each new moment of conscious human existence… said the man on his deathbed, to his son who, like father, was still looking for…the second chance… all that either one of them had aught to do was to…just stake that claim… to a second chance…draw back that bow and just take aim… Accidents don’t occur that are blind and unforeseen… in the cosmos…the celestial beings will not assist… the lower being who will not act with faith sight keen… upon his own light of truth, wherein love will persist… And so the father passed on…without the son knowing… if his dad actually staked his claim… the mortal dance with so-called death…has a strange way of oft revealing what is truly in the heart…apart…from circumstance whether truth took root to grow into goodness…beauty… or choked out by the weeds of mechanical duty… Accidents don’t occur that are blind and unforeseen… in the cosmos…the celestial beings will not assist… the lower being who will not act with faith sight keen… upon his own light of truth, wherein love will persist… Love…the greatest thing in the whole of the universe… the son discovered before he would sing his last verse… he knew all he had to do was take aim…stake his claim near death experiences compelled him to proclaim that his Paradise Father’s spirit dwells in the mind… weaves soul to begin life at mortal end of time… Accidents don’t occur that are blind and unforeseen… in the cosmos…the celestial beings will not assist… the lower being who will not act with faith sight keen… upon his own light of truth, wherein love will persist... And the son’s three daughters grew to learn their lessons well… not to live their lives…in the shadows…of men’s hell… but to discover their own unique identity where hand that rocks cradle fraternizes with destiny… to spearhead human change from darkness into the light… to lead the way to peace…no longer warringly fight… Accidents don’t occur that are blind and unforeseen… in the cosmos…the celestial beings will not assist… the lower being who will not act with faith sight keen… upon his own light of truth, wherein love will persist… I realize now…there exists within…the second chance… in each new moment of conscious human existence… I said on my deathbed to my children who, like father, were still looking for…the second chance… all that either one of them had aught to do was to…just stake that claim… to a second chance…draw back that bow and just take aim… Accidents don’t occur that are blind and unforeseen… in the cosmos…the celestial beings will not assist… the lower being who will not act with faith sight keen… upon his own light of truth, wherein love will persist… The father died without knowing whether his loved ones… would discover this simple truth before their own time comes… draw back their bows and take aim at the center inside where one may choose to live…naked…where one may choose to hide but cannot…because the truth will ever be revealed… love is not an accident… the truth is not concealed… Accidents don’t occur that are blind and unforeseen… in the cosmos…the celestial beings will not assist… the lower being who will not act with faith sight keen… upon his own light of truth, wherein love will persist… love is not an accident… the truth is not concealed… because the truth will ever and always be revealed…
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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