All Evil Carries within Itself…the Seed of Its Own Destruction…

All Evil Carries within Itself…the Seed of Its Own Destruction…

(Written 9/27/18)
all evil carries within itself
Today the Earth bleeds…we continue to feed the great greed…that has opened its jaws and swallowed up the planet… a mafia crime syndicate…tries to self-vindicate…by inverting its pyramid of enslavement… As its power peters…the pyramid teeters…what is top-heavy must fall…dark harvest from what is planted… the day of doom…does hugely loom… great princes in ivory towers…fall…splattering the pavement… All evil carries within itself…the seed of its own destruction… good carries within itself…the faith-seed of its own endless rebirth… in sun’s light rays…the vampire bursts into flaming decomposition… the children of light…radiate star bright… Love radiates throughout Earth… All Evil Carries within Itself...the Seed of Its Own Destruction... Does not seeker create a false visage of his inner image…by each materialistic acquisition…? the death that breathes the ether…power seeker…seeks to murder in the presence of divine reality…? Have you not heard these timeless words… “all evil carries within itself…the seed of its own destruction…? the mind that fears is ever the more seared…his own worst enemy…cause of his puerile soul fatality…? All evil carries within itself…the seed of its own destruction… good carries within itself…the faith-seed of its own endless rebirth… in sun’s light rays…the vampire bursts into flaming decomposition… the children of light…radiate star bright… Love radiates throughout Earth… All Evil Carries within Itself...the Seed of Its Own Destruction... Can you not see it ALL…the rise and fall…water that flows from the waters tall…river that flows into lake…? seasons go in their subtle glow… droplets of mortal experience flow into the Ocean of Eternity…? There is a season that has its own reason… if there were no evil…there would be no evil to forsake…? when there is no need…there will be no greed… the human transformed…will transmute Earth to endless fertility…? All evil carries within itself…the seed of its own destruction… good carries within itself…the faith-seed of its own endless rebirth… in sun’s light rays…the vampire bursts into flaming decomposition… the children of light…radiate star bright… Love radiates throughout Earth… All Evil Carries within Itself...the Seed of Its Own Destruction... the children of light… radiate star bright… Love radiates throughout Earth…
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020 After the Urantia Book found me a second time, halfway around the world, in the Fall of 1970, I became a lifelong reader. All of my poetry and writing is Urantia Book-based and spirit-inspired.


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