A Realization...about the Need to Write...

 A Realization...about the Need to Write...

(1st Writing 1978 - Edited 01/20/2015 - Video as 1st published in 2015)
a realization about the need to write
In his high school years...he made the connection to a deep need to write for private reasons he could not explain...except in reflection... dealing with the source of his inner demons... Afterward, he would read what felt like...nonsense... he could not, at first, express my thoughts clearly... he struggled with anger at his incoherence... inevitably re-writing thoughts poorly... He began the habit of taking with him a writing tablet, when he was on the go... to work...to the store...when he went to the gym... slowing down his mind to catch the inner flow... Now, every line is succinct in meaning... if one has the eyes to see and ears to hear... I, the fully conscious soul supervening... speak the messages of the spirit so clear... The writing tablet is my...mental playground... the point leads to the mind's re-discovering... within conscious thoughts...the very form of sound meaning and value, grasping their...recovery... I will always treasure the man who gave birth to my evolution within the mortal... detach from animal origin on Earth... in finality...enter through the portal... to fuse with you, indwelling divine partner... spirit-fragment of my Paradise Father...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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