A Cold Sun...of Lesser Light...May Plunge the Earth into a...Freezing Age of Hunger's Plight...

A Cold Sun...of Lesser Light...May Plunge the Earth into a...Freezing Age of Hunger's Plight...

a cold sun of lesser light
"Seek not the things of this world," deep and bellowing command issued forth from within his mind... he did not conjecture whether it was the voice of God...or injunction of conscience... then followed visions of raging seas of licking fires...great tidal waves entwined... to world wide eruptions...molten sensual desires infecting life with warring sins... And the busy little antmen, their little antwives and antchildren...all busy drones... barely noticed Nature's changes from two hundred year warm age to sun now growing cold... while thousands of volcanoes, under the sea...warm the oceans...many more on land...groan... cough up millions of tons of ash-filled smoke, as though doing homage to angry gods of old... There were but little signs in weather, at first, which varied little from what is normally expected... sudden catastrophic storms only took tens of thousands of lives around the earth... as long as the weather extremes did not directly affect the antmen, they sped... to and fro...across the land...nothing ever mattered except eating, work and pleasure... There were many who sounded the alarm...the Earth gets warmer and colder in cycles... "a new ice age cometh..." the antmen laughed... brainwashed that Earth was just getting hotter... while they burned in excesses of money, food, wine, women, power and greed...disciples of the great carbon god religion... mindlessly reveled in lustful laughter...consumers who thought their dominating power over the Earth could not possibly come to end... the great oceans kept on releasing unlimited moisture into the low atmosphere... one day it started snowing... but the snows did not end... that was when the flash freezing began... magnetic poles flipped... then great polar vortexes of deep cold...advancing glaciers... world wide starvation…effecting anarchy within every nation and world war... there had never been so many...so unprepared...to greet the challenge of devastation... of the power grids, the lack of food, the subsequent starvation...gangs that swarmed all cities and homes...killing for food...cannibalizing...evil's infestation... "A cold sun...of lesser light...may plunge the Earth into a...freezing age of hunger's plight... but not to worry," the voice said reassuringly...it is just a dream...not second sight...
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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