A Bridge Beyond Time

 A Bridge Beyond Time

Written in 1996)
To live each day--and living beyond... the dark material-energy of the gravity-bond beyond the animal focus upon the fossil past beyond a thousand and one things that will not last what separates you from the living God? To live each moment--and in the presence of God... in the super-reality of the spiritual-bond in the superconscious focus on invariable faith in the soul's eternal value, as the "living gateway" what separates you from the living God? Who dares walk beyond--these limitations of mind? who, with courage, dares accept the truth he may find? becoming astronaut of inner space, explore the great divide build mind-light bridge across the void, between human and divine what may unify you with the living presence of the living God? Who dares transcend--the material details of living? who dares become the "living gateway" of giving? who dares "the supreme gift," laying down ego-self for one's friends? let alone for all humanity, the spirit more fully descend what may more greatly unify us with the living presence of the living God...?
Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


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