P1 - Are You Promoting Division between You and Your Fellow Beings?

are you promoting division

Are You Promoting Division 

between You and Your Fellow Beings?

Beware What You Constantly Hold in Your Mind

No one will ever save
YOU from...the LIES you were told, the lying behavior YOU beLIEved, and the LIES you began projecting outward onto others...the "mirror-reactions" of your own inwardly-perceived and outwardly-manifest "character-deficiencies"...

These LIES began in YOUR mind; you beLIEved them; there in YOUR mind is where the LIES MUST END...

Hue-man language creates the...shadows of the real...we beLIEve we know so much...while we ever prove...we know so very little...

And the very little we know...we beLIEve to be the..."only truth that matters...the only truth that exists..."

"Be wary of any beLIEf or ideology that promotes division between you and your fellow hue-man beings."

Fear is the invisible glue which binds every negative thought-
emotion to the mind-on-loan.

And every negative thought-emotion is a "character deficiency," a virtual dark shadow and falsely self-defensive delusional shield behind which to hide away from the living connection to Father's indwelling divine spirit-presence -- The Thought Adjuster.
  • And how can "living faith" find fertile ground in the mind of the child of God who is practicing "fear-fraud" upon his and her own evolving mortal soul and upon the evolving mortal souls of fellow children of God?
  • How can YOU possibly declare outwardly in the world through media platforms, videos and podcasts, that YOU are spiritually awake, when YOUR words contribute directly to--give continual energy to...division amongst the children of God on Urantia?
The fact of the matter is that YOU are NOT AWAKE!

"If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation."


-Lao Tzu

The great question to ask yourself is...

  • How do I awaken ALL of myself?
  • How do I eliminate ALL that is negative in myself?
  • What makes my own self-transformation possible?

Truth Walks Naked while LIES are Fully Dressed

The truth needs no defense. The moment you begin to defend the truth you speak...it is no longer truth...but a thought-emotion construct which was to begin with...not the truth.

"A truth can walk naked...but a lie always needs to be dressed..."


-Khalil Gibran

  • How "transparent" are you?
  • Is it not true that fear is opaque?
  • Is it also not true that the only reason one fears to be "transparent" is because he and she has "something behind which to hide?"
Whatever it is that is keeping you from being wholly transparent is the handcuffs and leg irons YOU mentally wear around your mind's eye mirror image of YOUR outer self. 

Try Out "Faith-Knowing" that We are ALL God's Children

Yes, the concept of "try believing we're all God's children" is a step up in vibration. But this concept does not go far enough.

Every thought-emotion which falls short of the Fatherhood of God ruling in the hearts of His children on Urantia and the Fraternalhood of ALL of God's children is a..."level of divisiveness" and "separation" from God's indwelling divine spirit-presence.

"The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace."


-Mahatma Ghandi

And I say...

The day the power of love in the individual overrules his and her own love of power the individual will know peace. And when enough individual children of God become thus self-transformed, the world will know peace.

Thus, such self-transformation is being...

Born Of The Spirit 

"I have called upon you to be born again, to be born of the spirit."

Jesus, The Urantia Book, (155:6.3)

And so, my final question to you is...
  • How can you claim to be "awake," "self-transformed," "born of the spirit," when you are promoting division amongst the children of God?


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